Class 2

Welcome to Class 2

In Class 2 we are excited to learn and find out about new things! We have lots of interesting and exciting topics throughout the year to learn about. Miss Jones, Mrs Littlewood, Miss Parfitt and Miss Windsor look after us and teach us new things each day. Throughout the week we try our best with our learning and behaviour and get class dojo points when we do well. At the end of the week the two children with the most dojo points get a prize in Miss Jones’s special prize box!


Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays so please ensure that children have their full PE kit on these days.

This week the children have been learning about the journey of bread linked to our story ‘The Little Red Hen’. On Tuesday afternoon the children found out what ingredients go into bread. They wrote lists of ingredients we needed to buy before we could make any. On Wednesday afternoon the children then had a go at making their own bread rolls. They mixed the ingredients together and kneaded the bread. They then left the bread in a hot area of the classroom and were excited to see it rising. After thirty minutes the dough was ready to roll into shape and put in the oven. The children waited patiently and eventually it was ready. All the children worked well in their teams and they all gave their bread a thumbs up in the taste test!   

The children in Class 2 had a lovely afternoon celebrating 'Chinese New Year' with their families. Thank you to everyone that came and made it such a fantastic afternoon!

Chinese New Year


This week this children in Class 2 are learning all about Chinese New Year. To start the week off the children have listened to the story about how the Chinese Zodiac came to be. They have also learned all about traditions that people do to celebrate Chinese New Year. 

A Special Delivery...


When the children arrived at school this morning, there had been a mystery parcel delivered over the weekend and a letter addressed to the children in Class 2. After reading the letter, we discovered that the delivery was all the way from the North Pole from the one and only Father Christmas himself! Before opening the parcel, the children had a guess what Father Christmas might have sent us and had a feel at the parcel. Once all the children had felt the present we opened it to see what was inside. We found out that he had sent one of his special elves called Snowflake to watch over us in December and report back to him every night. He has also sent us a special calendar for Miss Jones and Mrs Littlewood to let children open if they try extremely hard with their learning and behaviour. Here are some of the children in Class 2 opening our special delivery...





Super Subtraction!

Over the last few weeks the children have been learning how to subtract numbers from a given amount. We have learned the symbol for subtraction and also other words that mean the same including take away and minus. Some children have been using cubes and other children have started using a number line to help them work out their calculations.


Over the next few weeks the children in Class 2 are learning the story Goldilocks ready for our visit to the pantomime in a couple of weeks. In ‘Talk for Writing’ the children have started to learn the story and think of actions for the different parts to help them remember it. During continuous provision time the children have been drawing pictures of the three bears and Goldilocks and have also been making puppets that they can use to retell the story in our small world area. Here are some images of the children accessing the activities in our provision this week.

The Gruffalo

This week our story of the week is ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson. To start off the week the children had a delivery from Julia Donaldson herself including a letter introducing herself and a range of tasks for the children to complete. To start our week the children completed their first task and have been on a Gruffalo hunt round school. The children found a few clues to indicate that the Gruffalo might have been to visit our school! Here are some images of the children...


What the Ladybird Heard

This week the children in Class 2 have been learning the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and have had a very special job to look after the fine prize cow so that Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh don’t steal her! The children have been making posters of Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh to warm people that they are after the fine prize cow. They have also been making binoculars to keep watch out and various traps to prevent them from getting anywhere near the fine prize cow! Here are some images of the children in action...




This week the children in Class 2 have been exploring their senses. They have learned all about their five senses and explored them further through various tests. Here are some images of the children exploring their sense of smell and taste.