Class 4

Welcome to Class 4 -Mrs P France


Welcome to Class 4 and our superstar children! We hope to share our fabulous work with you and show you our learning in class. We hope you enjoy and will keep you updated!

What a fantastic day we all had at The Old Schoolroom. We all now know what it was really like to be a Victorian child. We spent time in the classroom, playing with Victorian toys and learning how to do the washing. We were a real credit to our school and arrived back happy but exhausted.

Ashley Jackson inspired watercolours.

Tour de Yorkshire art work

Big Brave Bill Update
This week we have been busy applying for the job of Big Brave Bill’s superhero assistant. We have all completed an application form and can’t wait until Monday to find out who Big Brave Bill has chosen.

Big Brave Bill came to visit last night.

Big Brave Bill a superhero from Barnsley visited KS1 last night and left us some of his belongings. He also asked for our help to find him a new superhero to help him with his busy work saving the people of Barnsley. In class 4 today we have been designing adverts for the post of BBB’s assistant, we enjoyed a cup of his favourite Yorkshire tea (with a biscuit) and have finished the day by painting pictures of him to brighten up our classroom.

Enjoying our painting.

Mrs Schofield wants to apply for the job herself.😀

What a lovely cup of Yorkshire tea!

All dressed up and ready to disco😀. We all had a great time and Bradley won the limbo competition. All the children behaved wonderfully. Well done class 4.

Today’s we have started a new design and technology topic in the hope that the Easter Bunny may come and visit us at the end of the week. We have looked at some packaging for Easter eggs and stolen ideas to help us design our own. We are now looking forward to making our designs.

The design process

This week is science week so today we have been making predictions. Winnie the Pooh needs a waterproof coat, so we are hoping to find out which material will be the most waterproof.


We predicted that fabric would be waterproof.

We predicted that a plastic bag would be waterproof.

We predicted that cardboard would be waterproof.

Holly predicted that tissue paper would be waterproof.

Fantastic concentration in class 4!

Following our predictions we investigated by dropping the same amount of water onto each material to see if the water dropped off it or soaked into it. We concluded that although the cardboard was a little bit waterproof, the plastic was completely waterproof.
We have all been working hard writing our own adventure stories based on 'Tiddler' by Julia Donaldson and Alex Scheffler. We have all chosen our own hero for the story and described how they were lost but then found their way home again just like Tiddler. This afternoon we have been writing our final versions of the story in our best handwriting and you can see how hard we were concentrating. Mrs France can't wait to read our amazing stories!

Golden Ties

Well done to our golden tie winners for this week, Oliver Handley and Nieve Calderbank. They have waited very patiently since Friday to be awarded their ties and have both impressed me with their positive attitude to work and fantastic behaviour.

Exciting Explorers!


Classes 2, 3 and 4 had an exciting visitor to launch our new topic all about Explorers!

Christopher Columbus had lots of exciting things to tell us.

We got the chance to taste some of the delicious fruits that Christopher Columbus brought back from his voyages. We discussed the smell, look, feel and taste of pineapples, papaya, avocado and tomatoes.
In class this afternoon we tried out our paper folding skills to make a sailing boat. We impressed Mrs France with our listening and concentration and were all successful. Then we pretended that our desks were the sea and spent a few exciting minutes racing them using only the wind as power. Christopher Columbus would only have had the power of the wind when he sailed to the New World.

Our Fantastic Paper Boats

Classes 2, 3 and 4 have impressed parents this morning with their performance of 'A Midwife Crisis.' Well done to all involved. 

Well done to all the superstars in class 4 for a fantastic contribution to our KS1 nativity this morning. We're looking forward to another brilliant performance tomorrow afternoon.

Don't forget that it's Christmas Dinner tomorrow!

Mrs France

For those of you who have been worrying about homework, the good news is that I didn't set you any over half term. I will be setting a new homework sheet and new spellings on Friday. This week we will be revising some of our spellings from last term in our spelling lessons.

In science we have started an investigation into how exercise changes our heart rate. Today we learned how to make a prediction. Some of us thought that exercise would make our hearts beat slower, some of us thought it would stay the same, but most of us thought that it would make our heart beat faster. tomorrow we are going to carry out a fair test to see which of us are correct!


Our Predicitons

We have really enjoyed carrying out our investigation and keeping a record of our results. Our conclusion was that our hearts do beat faster the more exercise that we do.

Having fun with our science investigation.

Art in the style of Roy Lichtenstein

This week we have been finding out all about Pop Art. Yesterday we copied the work of Andy Warhol and today we have been studying and copying the work of Roy Lichtenstein. Lichtenstein used dots and stripes of colour to make his art work look like a cartoon so we have tried to do the same.