Medium Term Planning

Example Medium Term Plan for Year 1

DfE Statutory Requirements

– end of primary statements

SCARF Lesson Plan title &

half-termly unit

SCARF Lesson Plan Learning Outcomes Y1


Me and My Relationships


RR2, RR3

Why we have classroom rules

  • Understand that classroom rules help everyone to learn and be safe;

•Explain their classroom rules and be able to contribute to making these.

BS5, MW2, MW3, MW4, MW7

Thinking about feelings

•Recognise how others might be feeling by reading body language/facial expressions;

•Understand and explain how our emotions can give a physical reaction in our body (e.g. butterflies in the tummy etc.)

MW1, MW2, MW4, MW7

Our feelings

•Identify a range of feelings;

•Identify how feelings might make us behave:

•Suggest strategies for someone experiencing 'not so good' feelings to manage these.

MW2, MW3, MW6, MW7

Feelings and bodies

•Recognise that people's bodies and feelings can be hurt;

•Suggest ways of dealing with different kinds of hurt.


Our special people balloons

•Recognise that they belong to various groups and communities such as their family;

•Explain how these people help us and we can also help them to help us.

CF1, CF2, CF3

Good friends

•Identify simple qualities of friendship;

•Suggest simple strategies for making up.

RR1, CF2, CF4, CF5

How are you listening?

•Demonstrate attentive listening skills;

•Suggest simple strategies for resolving conflict situations;

•Give and receive positive feedback, and experience how this makes them feel.


Valuing Difference


FPC3, FPC4, RR1, RR2

Same or different?

•Identify the differences and similarities between people;

•Empathise with those who are different from them;

•Begin to appreciate the positive aspects of these differences.

CF2, CF3, CF4, RR5, RR6, MW8

Unkind, tease or bully?

•Explain the difference between unkindness, teasing and bullying;

•Understand that bullying is usually quite rare.

RR3, RR5, BS1

Harold’s school rules

•Explain some of their school rules and how those rules help to keep everybody safe.


Who are our special people?

•Identify some of the people who are special to them;

•Recognise and name some of the qualities that make a person special to them.

CF2, CF3, CF4, RR2, RR3

It’s not fair!

•Recognise and explain what is fair and unfair, kind and unkind;

•Suggest ways they can show kindness to others.


Keeping Myself Safe


PHF1, PHF3, HP3, HP4

Healthy me

•Understand that the body gets energy from food, water and air (oxygen);

•Recognise that exercise and sleep are important parts of a healthy lifestyle.