Class 9

Hello and a warm welcome to Class 9!


In our class we aim high, try our best and always promote positive attitudes to our learning. We endeavour to make learning fun, meaningful and ensure to support our children the best we can in order to promote progress. 


Working together on our learning journeys this year are Mrs Hatton, Mrs Cooper and Mrs Saxton. As well as this, this Autumn term we have an additional team- Mrs Turner and Mr Hodson, who will be completing their teacher training with us too!


We work hard collaboratively and have lots of wonderful learning opportunities this Autumn term. 

First of all, our introductory 3D art topic includes learning all about Antony Gormley and his talented work, some of you may know one of his well-known structures- The Angel of the North! This topic will allow us to explore his techniques and meanings behind each project as well as learning about the life of him too!


In addition to this topic, we shall study the era of Tudors! An exciting opportunity for pupils to get stuck into the cultures of that era, learn all about British monarchs, as well as learning about the life of the notorious Henry VIII and his six wives! Also planned within this topic are fun and engaging curriculum days as Tudors and learning about William Shakespeare and his plays within our literacy lessons. 


For Science (Mrs Hatton's favourite) we will start off the term by understanding and developing knowledge around Evolution and Inheritance! It is here where we will delve into understanding how living things have changed over time including endangered species and extinction and also how adaptation occurs for survival and evolution! Other science topics this Autumn will include the topic of light- how it travels, understanding shadows and also how our eyes work to see light!


Class Info:


  • Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays, so please dress accordingly with the correct kits. This means no earrings please and hair tied up! Safety first everyone!
  • Homework will be sent via Class Dojos weekly and paper copies shall too be sent home.
  • Spellings are given out each Monday and tested the following Monday, so don't forget to practise and bring your spelling records each Monday!
  • Reading to be done for at least 15minutes each day if possible. Bring in your books and reading records daily too please as we like to hear you read! Accelerated reader quizzes can be completed at home or at school. 
  • All other information and daily/weekly updates are found on our Class Dojo page. 



Happy learning everyone laugh