Hello and a warm welcome to the Class 7 page. In Class 7 we love to work hard and are resilient when faced with a challenge. We work hard for rewards and are proud of ourselves and our achievements. This term we will be learning about the active planet and will begin our learning with a visit to Magna. We can't wait to share our exciting learning with you so please follow our page for recent updates!
Dividing by 8 has been our focus in maths this week and we have been using concrete objects to help us justify and explain our answers.
During our topic session this week, we have looked at maps of Europe to identify countries that were controlled by the Romans. We were fascinated to see how the spread of the Roman Empire grew over the years!
During guided reading this week, some of us have been using dictionaries to help us find the meanings of the words from our spelling list. We found out that in a dictionary words are in alphabetical order!
Some of us got the opportunity to go on the computers and research about the Roman Army. We chose to find out about the army because in our literacy we are writing a non chronological report about the Romans and we wanted to include some information about the army and what it was like to be part of it. We loved being researchers!
Wow what a fantastic day we had when the Romans came to visit. We learned lots and can't wait to find out more as we delve into our new topic -The Romans
Some more fantastic homework.
WOW! Lots of you have been so busy over the half term holiday getting creative and producing some fantastic volcanoes. We can't wait to see the rest of them!
We had a great time at the Halloween disco!
This week we had our first experience of 'circle time' in class 7. We loved listening carefully to each other, being good, confident speakers and thinking carefully about what it means to be a good friend.
Edible soil !
As part of our science learning we have been learning about soil and it's different layers. In class 7 we had great fun making edible soil whilst talking about the different layers and the job of each one. We thought our soil was delicious!
This week, in class 7 some children have been busy making their own volcanoes at home because they have been so inspired by our topic and I just had to share them with you!
Wow what a day we had at Magna!