Class 3
Welcome to Class 3
In Class 3 we enjoy learning and finding out about new things. We help each other and try our best. Mrs Roe, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Latham teach us exciting lessons and look after us in Class 3. Children will be earning Dojo points for their hard work and prizes for the most Dojos in the week.
Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Please ensure they have their full PE kit for these days and that earrings are removed. Unfortunately children will not be able to participate in PE lessons if they do not have the correct kit and footwear.
Royal Tea Party
Today we stared off our new topic ‘Then and Now’ with a special afternoon royal tea party. We found out about the royal family and that the baby of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan should be born very soon.
We made decorations, flags and crowns as well as decorated our own cup and saucer biscuits. Then we enjoyed the afternoon tea pretending we were part of the royal family.
Class 3's Special Visitor
Class 3 had a surprise this morning from a special visitor.

Science Materials The Three Little Pigs
We found our different materials that we could use for building a new house to keep the pigs safe from the bad wolf.
Maths Capacity
We tested how many cups would fill the different containers.
Road Safety
We had a session to find out about road safety and how to cross the road safely.
Finding out about length, height and capacity. We made a height chart and carried out experiments about different containers using the words full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty. We also talked about which would hold more and less and why we thought that.
Investigating different materials around the classroom.
As part of our Great Fire of London topic we looked at the changes in fire engines over the years and put them in what we thought was the correct order.
Finding out about the continents of the World and which films we could relate to to remember them.
Team Activ multi skills

Safer Internet Day 2019
Today we completed some activities about how to keep safe online. We talked about what things we had to keep safe and what we could give away.
What do you think the pictures show?
Full name
What you had for breakfast
A photograph of your new pencil case
Great Fire of London discussion

The Great Fire of London topic
To start off our new topic we received a letter from King Charles and his servants asking us to create a feast of bread for one of his famous banquets. We tasted different bread to decide which was the best to make and then made our own bread for the banquet.
Great Fire of London artwork.







Pantomime visit
Owl Man visit
Today the children had chance to see different owls from an owl rescue centre near Huddersfield.
We met Orvil who was a 6 year old little owl who was brought into the UK to get rid of mice and voles which they eat. He is very good at camouflaged and had yellow eyes like the sunshine because he is a daytime owl.
Gismo is from South Africa and has orange eyes like the sunset because he comes out at sunset. He had a moustache to feel for food when it is close by.
Willow was was an Eagle Owl and was 6 years old. He also has orange eye. His feet were too big to catch a mouse so he eats rabbits, pheasants and hares. He could live up to 55 years old.
Poppy is a Tawny Owl which is the most common owl in the UK. It is the only owl to make the 'Twit twoo' noise. Poppy is nocturnal.
Bubbles was a Barn Owl. Barn owl couples stay together all of their lives. Only 1 out of 5 eggs that hatch make it to a year old. Bubbles has a heart shapes face and hunts using her sense of hearing. They have to be very quiet when they are flying so they can hear their prey and their prey won't hear them.
Storm was a Harris Hawk from desert areas. They are the wolves of the sky and hunt in packs then share their food equally between them.They sometimes stand on each other's shoulders to hunt for food. That is why on the top of every Native American Totem Pole there is a hawk looking for food.
Science work
Talk for writing
Number bonds to 10
Our new ‘Talk for writing’ topic is about a dragon. We practised actions to try and remember the writing.
This half term will see our topic exploring the wonderful author Roald Dahl and our class will be focussing on the text ‘The Giraffe, and the Pelly and Me.’ We will be embracing the text with activities to stimulate our own writing, creating art work and role play. Alongside this, we will be learning about the artist Picasso, creating portraits in his style. Within Maths to begin the year we will be focussing on place value and number. This half term we are focusing on our ‘Animals’ science topic and continuing this with ‘Humans’ next half term.
In our maths work we have been working together to order numbers to 10 and then find out which numbers are missing.