Class 3
Welcome to Class 3
We are looking forward to sharing all of our hard work and special events here on our class page. Mrs Roe, Mrs Latham and Miss Parfitt are always on the lookout for children who are trying their best and joining in with our learning.
We have worked together to make our class display with our class jigsaw and our individual children pictures. We have also created a class paper chain with information about what we like to do and what our favourite things are.
Science - Plants
We carried out an experiment to show how the stem sucks up the water to take it to the rest of the plant. We put the carnations in food colouring and watched how they changed over time.
Measuring using non standard units. Which items are longer? Which are shorter?
Talk for writing ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy
We have read the story and drawn the story map. Then we talked about what other sounds we could hear in these places and changed the story. The pattern is still the same and Mr Bear repeats ‘Oh no! I can’t stand this.’
Design Technology
Children took part in our new DT project this week.
Safer Internet Day 2022
We took part in Safer Internet Day by thinking about what information was safe to share with other people and what should be kept safe. We knew that we shouldn’t share personal things about us but other things were safe.
We listened to the advice from Wise Owl from the Digiduck stories and thought about whether a Digiduck was being a good friend. We pretended to be the characters and thought what things they might say.
We also thought about who we would tell if we had a problem online and drew these in our handprint.
Talk for writing Handa’s Surprise
We have read and remembered the story of Handa’s Surprise. We know which fruits she had in her basket and which animals took them. We then looked at adjectives to describe the fruits and thought of other fruits that we could add into the story. We also thought about which other animals could take them.
History Makers - Florence Nightingale
Science - Ole Kirk Christiansen
We have found about all about the creator of Lego and lined this to our materials topic. We know about different everyday materials and their properties and how to describe them. We compared Lego bricks with wooden blocks (Ole Kirk Christiansen used to make wooden toys) and discussed which material was best.
Talk for writing - The Gruffalo
We read the Gruffalo and discussed the adjectives used to describe different parts of him. We then had a go at creating our own monster that may be in the deep dark wood and describe the different parts.
We have made individual poppies to remember Armistice Day and then put them together to make a class wreath.
Talk for writing - The Three Billy Goats Gruff
We have been practising our story this week. We have made actions to retell and drawn a story map to help us to remember the story.
We have changed the characters. Can you see what we have changed them to?
Look at our new actions to our new story, The Two Pigs.
Look at this wonderful writing that one of our year 1 children has completed about our new story independently. Amazing!
Florence Nightingale - ‘History Makers’
To begin our new topic we had a look at our own timeline of our lives so far. We collected photographs of different stages and important events and put them in order.
We then created a class timeline with photographs of us at key moments. Look how great it looks to see the growth in the children from when they were born.
ART - Andy Goldsworthy
This half term we are focussing on the land artist and sculptor Andy Goldsworthy. He uses natural materials to create his art and takes photographs of it when he has finished it.
We found out that he uses circles (with a black hole), spirals, zig zags, wavy or straight lines in his art so we copied them with different materials.
We have used leaves, berries, flowers, pebbles, shells, slate, sticks and shells to recreate our pictures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.