Speech & Language
Speech and Language
Speech, language and communication skills are vital for children to reach their full potential in life.
Almost everything we do involves communication; everyday tasks such as learning at school, asking for food and drink, sorting out problems, making friends, having fun and much more. There is evidence to show that vocabulary knowledge at age 5, is a strong predictor of not only academic success, but also an indication of possible employment and mental health difficulties in adulthood.
Here at Burton Road Primary School, and particularly in the EYFS, we firmly believe that speech, language and communication is the foundation of all learning, and underpins all that we do.
In the Early Years, our curriculum has been carefully designed and planned to ensure we develop children’s speech and language. We aim to extend their vocabulary linked to our many topics, through quality resources, stories and high-quality interactions, between both adults and children.
Speech and language development has a particular impact on children’s reading and writing skills throughout school, therefore, developing children’s speech, language and extending their vocabulary is given the highest importance within the Early Years. Time is spent with children in both our Nursery and Reception classes, working in continuous provision to develop and extend children’s language. We devote a huge amount of time to stories, rhymes and singing as we value how important this is in developing children’s speech and language.
It is our intention to ensure that children are equipped with strong speech and language by the time they leave the EYFS, to enable them to use this within their learning as they move through school, and on to the next stages of their education. All staff are highly experienced and trained in developing children’s speech, language and communication skills. Should any concerns arise regarding a child’s speech and language development, school staff will meet with individual parents, and where appropriate, refer children for a formal speech and language assessment. All children with an identified speech and language need will be supported to develop their speech, language and communication skills linked to their individual requirements.We support all children with any language delay and offer guidance to those who may need a short-term intervention in order to accelerate their language development.