Class 2

CLASS 2 Video 19-20.MOV

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Just a reminder that for daily/weekly challenges for class 2 (whilst we are not in school) please see class 2 dojo! If you are not linked to class dojo please contact school to assist you in getting a password.

Thanks for your support.

Miss Jones 

Welcome to Class 2


In Class 2 Miss Jones, Mrs Littlewood and Mrs Sykes help us learn new things each day! We have lots of interesting topics over the next year and lots of exciting learning opportunities too! 





In Class 2 our PE days are on Tuesday and Friday with Mr Ogden. PE is usually indoors but occasionally will be outdoors so please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing and footwear for both.  

Talk 4 Writing- The story of Elmer the Elephant

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Mosaic Art


A couple of weeks ago, all the children at Burton Road Primary took part in art workshops with the artist Sue Kershaw. The children in reception loved looking at the different mosaics, learning all about them and were interested to she how she created them. After looking back at the images of the workshop, this inspired us to create our own mosaic of Elmer the Patchwork Elephant who we are learning about this week in class.    

The Best Dress Ever! 


Over the last two weeks, the children in reception have been reading the story 'The Best Dress Ever' all about three friendly aliens who live on planet Doop. One day one of the aliens decides to make herself a dress. Each day she returns to her two friends to show them the progress she has made and each day her friends give her more helpful ideas on how to make the dress even better! In class we have had circle times linked to our golden rules 'Friendly, Respectful, Responsible and Resilient' and have discussed the meaning of each one with the children. The story has really helped the children understand these important values within our classroom and school. 

At the end of the week the children have all designed their own T-shirts and helped suggest ideas to each other on how to make them the best T-shirts ever! 

Art Week - Jackson Pollock


This week we have been learning all about the artist Jackson Pollock. We have looked at some of his most famous paintings and then had a go at creating our own versions. We learned that he like to paint using a variety of unusual methods including dripping, splattering and pouring. We also learned that he liked to paint using colours that represented his emotions too. 


Here are some images of the children creating their own art in the style of Jackson Pollock... 

Art Celebration Assembly


After learning about Jackson Pollock this week, the children in our EYFS shared their fantastic art work to the children in KS1. 

Roald Dahl Day


The children have loved dressing up in Roald Dahl's favourite colour yellow or as one of the characters from his many stories. They have also enjoyed talking about their favourite stories too. 

The children have loved exploring in their new classroom and outdoor area!