Welcome to Burton Road Early Years Foundation Stage
Please check out Nursery, Class 1 and Class 2 pages for weekly updates on our exciting learning!
Burton Road EYFS
Burton Road EYFS consists of a Nursery class (AM, PM and 30 Hour Places) and two Foundation 2 Reception classes. Please meet the team:
Burton Road EYFS
At Burton Road we have created key knowledge that we intend for our EYFS children to develop and acquire throughout their time across both Nursery and Reception. We have created these taking into consideration the Development Matters and EYFS Statutory Framework to outline key knowledge and skills that are specific to our school and the children in our EYFS to ensure their needs are met and that children are well prepared for their future learning. The key knowledge and skills are covered through the following:
- Our key themes
- Core Books
- Core Rhymes
- Core Experiences
- Daily Read, Write Inc Phonics
- Daily White Rose Maths Sessions
- High Quality Continuous Provision
- High Quality Interactions
- Adult Led Activities
Long Term Planning Cycle
At Burton Road we have created a long term planning cycle for both Nursery and Reception. This has been created using a mixture of loose themes and core texts that support the themes and also support the knowledge development. A small number of the books do not link to the themes however these have been identified as having specific learning and knowledge that our children need and may not fit into a specific theme. Key vocabulary has been identified linked to the themes and core texts. This has been done in consultation with the school subject coordinators to ensure children will be well prepared for accessing the National Curriculum from Year 1.
Nursery Long Term Plan
Nursery Core Rhymes and Songs
Reception Long Term Plan
Reception Core Songs and Rhymes
Reception Core Poems 2023 -2024
EYFS Curricular Goals
At Burton Road we have created specific curricular goals the we intend for our children to achieve by the end of Nursery and Reception. To support children in achieving these each curricular goal has four milestones for children to work towards. These have been created to ensure our children are Year 1 ready by the end of the EYFS.
Nursery Curricular Goals
Reception Curricular Goals
Medium Term Planning
Each half term in Early Years we create detailed medium term plans outlining the core texts that have been identified in the long term plan in more detail. This includes selecting key vocabulary to develop from each of these texts, key songs, key knowledge linked to the topic and also possible lines of interest for each text/the loose topic. Please click on the link below to see an example:
Example Medium Term Plan
EYFS - Reading is the Key!
Reading is of high importance in the Early Years Foundation Stage at Burton Road. It is extremely important that children are exposed to and immersed in high quality literature throughout their early years, our curriculum is designed to include a number of these high quality books that we know children love to listen to and learn about. Click on the link below to find out the importance of reading to your child:
In the EYFS we follow Read, Write, Inc (RWI) Phonics to help us to learn to read. Children are assessed each half term to allow us to group children according to their stage of reading. Please click on the links below to find out more about Read, Write, Inc:
What is Read, Write, Inc:
Understanding Phonics:
How to Say the Sounds: