The Rationale for P.E at Burton Road
The PE Curriculum at Burton Road is designed to ensure activity, progression and engagement for all pupils, regardless of background, need or previous knowledge, and it should enable them to progress and achieve success. Our key aims are:
- to provide a broad, balanced and rich curriculum of physical education for all
- to foster opportunities for children to find enjoyment and achieve success in physical activity
- to develop competences (motor competences; rules, strategies and tactics; and healthy participation) in a broad range of activities
- provide lessons where knowledge is built in order for children to know what to do and know when to do/apply it
- Ensure children are physically active for sustained periods (min 50% lesson time, aim 80% (dependent on the activity)
- activities are adapted (progressed and regressed) to meet the needs and challenge all pupils
On PE lesson days, the children come to school in their kits to ensure that the maximum amount of lesson time is spent on physical activity or knowledge development. We strive towards the recommended 2 hours of lesson time – please see the allocated timetable below.