Medium Term Planning and the Teaching and Learning Policy For PE

Medium Term Planning And The Teaching Sequence


In order to develop the curriculum that we seek to fulfil our aims, our teaching sequence needs to balance the subject domain, teaching sequence and relational learning.  


The teaching sequence would be:

  1. Knowledge acquisition
  2. Enhancement of knowledge
  3. Development and refinement of skills
  4. Independent application of knowledge and skills in a meaningful or purposeful context.


The application of these skills will involve setting tasks that provide opportunities for children to:

  • Explain
  • Summarise
  • Reason
  • Reflect
  • Challenge
  • Evaluate
  • Think Critically


Get Set for Burton Road 


The medium term plan outlines the knowledge progression for each unit, and as stated previously, additions and adaptions have been made in order to ensure the Get Set scheme best meets the needs of our pupils. It also clearly outlines the expected goals for teachers to assess pupils against throughout the unit.


Please see the example documents below.


The Teaching and Learning of PE at Burton Road


At Burton Road, our teaching and learning policy shapes our approach to delivery of knowledge in lessons through the model reconnect, engage, model, scaffold, apply and assess.


Physical education may differ in terms of modelling and in order to support teaching, the policy has been adapted to encompass the physical aspect of the subject. This has been shared and explored through staff INSET and training.