Lifelong Learning

Caring for our community! 

We had a fantastic time performing for the residents of Riverside Residential Care home. They loved our musical theatre group, joining in and clapping along! 

Gold Again!

Burton Road are incredibly proud to once again be awarded the Gold School Games Award for 2022- 2023.


The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme which rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. The Pro Active Performance School Sport Programme, set up by Burton Road, and it's second year, has been a huge success across our collaboration of 12 local primary schools, and has helped the school to meet the gold criteria:


  • maintaining and growing your school’s engagement in the School Games and your delivery of 60 active minutes for every child
  • create positive experiences by ensuring physical activity and competition provision is designed to reflect the motivation, competence and confidence of your young people and has a clear intent
  • a clear focus on transition points and how secondary schools engage in the School Games
  • create positive experiences to support character development of targeted young people
  • advocated to key stakeholders how the School Games makes a meaningful difference to the lives of children and young people, including engaging and educating parents.


We are proud to achieve this recognition for our commitment to offering sporting opportunities to all our pupils, to ensure they are fit for learning, fit for life.


Primary School Enterprise Challenge 2023

Year 2 and 6 have taken part in this year’s enterprise challenge, designing an inspiring outdoor learning environment that encourages children to create, learn and play. Teams had to use their ‘timber tokens’ to budget snd select their materials, whilst creating a brand and unique selling point to their designs. The teams then presented their designs to a judging panel for the amazing opportunity to represent Burton Road at the finals event in June. Good luck, teams! 

Watch the year 2 teams in action!

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Year 6 France Trip to Normandy and Brittany 2022

Centre of Excellence

Year 6 Crucial Crew December 2021

Remembrance Day 



This Autumn we have co-ordinated, and delivered, our Pro-Active School Performance schedule, which has been designed to deliver a range of: high quality, inter-school sporting opportunities across a local partnership of schools. After working hard to get this flagship programme off the ground, BRPS were delighted to receive this testimonial from a parent who was delighted with the positive impact that inter-school is having on both her children....


Over recent months I have been very fortunate to watch both my children take part in a range of sporting activities that you have organised off school premises. They have enjoyed the whole experience of meeting children from other schools and being part of the team representing Burton Road.  In particular, I have seen their confidence grow by being part of the football team and the interaction with their team mates.  


I look forward to Burton Road being able to continue offering a wide range of sporting activities as this not only helps with their physical health but also mental health and preparation for progression to secondary school. Also at the Cross Country event, at Dorothy Hyman's, I was truly moved by how team mates cheered each other on to complete the course regardless of which school they were from.


I hope to come along to many more Sporting Activities.

Our School Choir Singing in Church

Sunday 3rd October has been a special day for our school choir as we sang in a special service at our local Church. We sang beautifully during communion as part of a special service of rededication and thanksgiving at The Church of Saint Paul in Monk Bretton. Father Brian and the Bishop of Wakefield both thanked us and complimented us on our singing afterwards.

The Day The Bees Came To School

Huge thanks to Mr Thompson, the headteacher at Shawlands Primary (aka the 'Wakefield Wordsmith), who has turned yesterday's difficult circumstances into a learning experience and has written a poem called...   'The Day The Bees Attended School.'

Yes we know that it was wasps but you get the gist of it. Mr Thompson's poetry visit has inspired many of our children who have since written their own poems. We are also planning for our schools to link up and take part in a performance poetry competition. Exciting times.

Could our children write a similar poem about yesterday's events? Read below to see what you think:


The Day The Bees Attended School.


Wasn’t it thrilling, wasn’t it cool

The day the bees attended school.


They hummed and buzzed with sheer delight

And never meant to cause a fright

By chasing all the kids and staff

When every scream they thought a laugh.


The waving arms to make them go

They thought were waves to say hello

The lights and other spots to hide

Sheltered them from rain outside.


The bees just wanted to learn to add

And read and write – it made them sad

When all the children went away

The school now closed for the rest of the day


The lights turned off, the rooms all quiet

The never knew they’d caused a riot

The bees were sad, the kids were not

 A day off school was what they got!


Yes, wasn’t it thrilling, wasn’t it cool

The day the bees attended school.


By Duncan Thompson

We had a special visitor in school today. A local headteacher and published poet came to read to us some of his favourite poems. He talked about using his experiences of being a teacher to inspire his poems and other things that he had used his imagination to make up.

Children were then given a copy of his collection of poems to take home as a gift from school. 

Equality and Discrimination 


Class 11 have completed some excellent work following Mr Harris' assemblies on equality & anti-discrimination. This was followed up by a discussion on the Ollie Robinson issue.


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School Assembly 5.3.21

School Assembly 26.2.21


Watch Mr Harris' assembly for this week.

School Assembly 12.2.21


Watch Mr Harris' assembly here. Can you have a go at the activities her has set? Look at the children who completed the family challenges from last week.


School Assembly 5.2.21


Watch Mr Harris' assembly here with a discussion about the American Super Bowl. 

Check your answers from last week about JFK and The Battle of Waterloo. Also there are 'Shout Outs' to children who have impressed their teachers during their home learning. Well done to you all. 


Can you complete the well-being challenges as a family? Watch the examples from the teachers. 


Find out about the upcoming 'Well-being Wednesday' and an exciting opportunity for all children to take part in. 




Challenge 1:

Challenge 2:

Challenge 3:






School Assembly 29.1.21


Watch Mr Harris' assembly continuing the theme of special events in America. Have you got your answers ready from last week's quiz about the Inauguration of Joe Biden?


After the assembly video, watch the special performance from Lady Gaga singing the National Anthem.

Christmas Sing a long 2020

This is "Christmas Sing a long 2020" by Pamela France on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Remembrance Day Assembly 11th November 2020

This is "Remembrance Day Assembly 11th November 2020" by Pamela France on Vimeo.

Year 6 Leavers Video


At Burton Road, we pride ourselves on our end of year performances, where our pupils get to develop wider skills that will help them in the next stage of their education. Whilst we couldn't take to the stage this year, we could take to the screen! We hope you enjoy our short film, which will help us all remember the strange summer of 2020! And as we say in the film, it might be time to hang up your Burton Road ties, but we will meet again! You've been a fantastic Year Six! We will miss you all but we know you will all keep following your own roads to success!

Year 6 film~1.mp4

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Rise to Reading with our Accelerated Reader Scheme


At Burton Road, we are dedicated to ensuring that all of our children leave primary school with a love of reading. We know and recognise that reading is the key to everything is life and we aim to instil this in the pupils at our school.


In order to promote a love of reading for pleasure but also to support learning, we have introduced Recommended Reads to each year group. This list of books gives the children opportunity to move outside of their comfort zone and perhaps choose a book that they may not have picked up before. We aim for each child to read within their ability range, whilst still ensuring a level of challenge.


Children in foundation stage, read and share their books with their families and answer questions about what they have read. As the children move through school into Key Stage 1 and 2, and become more confident with their reading, they are able to read some books independently and complete a quiz which will test their understanding. 


We reward the children for their efforts with certificates and wrist bands. 

5 books - Certificate

10 books - Bronze

15 books - Silver

20 books - Gold

A special trophy is awarded to children who push themselves beyond these targets. 


Our Spring Term 1 Awards can be seen below.



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Burton Kidz FM Radio Show

Primary School Enterprise Challenge Winners



On Thursday 21st March 2019, the winning team from the Enterprise Challenge visited BBC Radio Leeds and had the opportunity to record their very own radio show with Stephanie Hirst.

They had been writing and rehearsing their adverts, interview questions and features in the weeks building up to the visit. All their hard work definitely paid off as they delivered superb after superb recording with Stephanie Hirst. She was keen to make sure the children got the best recording they could - promoting the hard work ethic that we do in school as well. 

The children (and the teachers) had an unforgettable experience at the BBC Yorkshire studios and we owe a massive thank you to Paul Robson for his excellent organisation of the events, right from day one. 

The Primary School Enterprise Challenge is an excellent experience and we would thoroughly recommend it to everyone!

We hope you enjoy looking at all of our photos from the day below.

The Oaks Memorial 

Classes 10, 11 and 12 attended a moving event to commemorate the 152 anniversary of this tragic event. The visit gave children the opportunity to visit the historic miners hall- a real hidden gem in Barnsley. The children shared their learning, reading out their moving poems inspired by the events. Each class also created their own wreath to remember the 361 miners-young and old- that lost their lives. 

Commemorating the Oaks Disaster of 1866




Our fabulous Year 6 team 'Burton Kids' did an amazing presentation on Monday to win the final of the Primary School Enterprise Challenge! The finals, which was held at Tankersley Manor, saw 24 schools from across Yorkshire compete for the top award. Each team had to pitch their own radio show to a panel of judges. There was lots of tough competition and the children used their skills of presenting, enterprising and problem solving to be voted for - by the judges - as the winners. The team will now have the opportunity to go into a real radio studio and record their show with Stephanie Hirst from BBC Radio Leeds! This is a fantastic prize and we are very proud of team BR! Take a look at some of the pictures from the day.

Greatest Sportsperson


Who do you think is the Greatest Sportsperson? Look through our choices. Can you think of someone who should have been on our list?

Enterprise, Louder than Life

3 trophies won on the day!

Most Enterprising Team in group 3 !

Most Enterprising School! 

Most Enterprising Teacher!

Well done! Great team effort! 

Y5/6 France Residential 2017

Bruce Dyer's Love Life Soccer School


"OUR OBJECTIVES are to provide competitive sports skills coaching and quality personal character development simultaneously. Focus on each student-athlete’s growth both as an individual and as an effective team member. Emphasize the use of moral and ethical principles as the primary educational tool for accomplishing success. Demonstrate that young people can progress and excel in athletic, social, and intellectual domains at the same time. Provide players with experience through which they can learn lifelong lessons applicable in a wide variety of settings and relationships, regardless of whether or not a player becomes a professional."


Enterprise 'Louder Than Life' Project


Children in Classes 9 and 10 took part in the enterprise project.