Pupils with SEND
Adaptions to our MFL curriculum to ensure it is inclusive for all learners...
Our languages curriculum is inclusive for all learners, including disadvantaged children and children with SEND. Learning is scaffolded appropriately to ensure all children can access the learning at their level independently. Our curriculum has been successfully adapted, designed and developed to ensure it is ambitious and meets the needs of pupils with SEND, developing their knowledge, skills and abilities to apply what they know and can do with increasing fluency and independence.
Children who have less significant barriers may have other reasonable adjustments such as; decreased demands, pre-teach, adjustments either to the curriculum or pedagogy. Examples of this may include...
- Removal of barriers such as writing by:
Matching activity
Missing words
Sticking activities
Word mats
Sentence builders
- Visuals to support speaking tasks
- Dyslexia friendly texts (where appropriate)
- Coloured paper where appropriate
- Vocabulary mats
- Individual knowledge organisers
Check out the languages in action tab to see some real examples of this in lessons, including the work children have produced and the support scaffolds that have been created.
Elizabeth Garside's Pedagogy used (our languages specialist):
At KS2, especially in LKS2 songs, rhymes, games, use of pictures on the board, videos, memory aides such as attaching movement/actions or picture ideas to words, all help children to remember nouns or grammar points. In Years 3 and 4, these actions, songs, pictures etc. are frequently revisited in order to embed learning. In UKS2, sentence builders are often used. On these sheets, SEND students may have fewer items of information on them, and may have added help with the addition of English to the sheets. All students have Knowledge Organisers in books, and SEND students are often given an extra Knowledge Organiser to refer to throughout the lesson. In assessments, SEND students are allowed their KO for support, whereas other students are not.
During the lesson, PowerPoints evidence use of differentiation, as often tasks are scaffolded or modified in order to support all students. Higher ability students are pushed to do extra and more challenging work. When questioning during lessons, questions are often modified to help draw out the information from children. Sometimes, higher ability students are used to help other students who are weaker or struggling with their work as an extension to their learning, which helps to consolidate the learning of the higher ability child, but also is a friendly non-threatening form of intervention for SEND pupils.
Support sheets used in modelling and independent learning activities to support sentence construction orally and written. Extra challenge to stretch those who are able.