Pupils with SEND
Consideration for SEND:
The Curriculum at Burton Road is designed to ensure involvement, progression and engagement for all pupils, regardless of background, need or previous knowledge, to enable them to progress and achieve success. Teachers understand that some of our our SEND pupils have a passion for history, whilst other pupils require tasks to be adapted to ensure they are appropriately challenging to ensure knowledge acquisition.
We understand that knowledge is power and the Burton Road SEND Crib Sheet informs staff of individual strengths and possible adaptions or considerations which may need to be taken into account to meet the needs of our pupils.
The Teaching and Learning Policy for Burton Road ensures teachers continually adapt tasks that are appropriately matched and adapted to challenge all learners. Where possible and in best practice, this will be an adaption to the main activity. As a result of monitoring and staff training, there has been a real shift to ensure historical knowledge is not taught through comprehension-based activities, which may be limiting for some pupils and with fidelity to the subject. Likewise, we ensure the focus is on the knowledge gained and make adaptions to ensure the recording of a task is appropriately matched to the needs of individuals and not through extended written tasks.
Children who have less significant barriers may have other reasonable adjustments such as;
- Pedagogy and content adapted to suit the needs
- Pre reading of texts used
- Simplified or shortened texts
- Pre teaching of key vocabulary
Removal of barriers such as writing by:
- Matching activity
- Missing words
- picture sorting/ordering
- Scribes and verbal responses noted in books
Depending on the nature of the additional need, some of our pupils with SEND may require adjustments either to the curriculum or pedagogy. Examples seen in practise:
EYFS (2022 2023)
Modelling of 'now' and 'then' through the visual record of previous learning, which is revisited as part of daily practice.
Visual prompts of children when younger to support understanding of their own history and the passing of time, encouraging discussions about how they have changed.
Key vocabulary used in daily interaction and continuous provision, beyond planned units, e.g. king, supported in role play and small world with kinesthetic activities. (Understand what a king/queen/ emperor is)
Matching activities with visual images to distinguish between in living memory and beyond living memory.
Role play used for children to show knowledge about why the fire spread.
Simplified captions and information used when learning about sources. (Great Fire Of London)
Adaptions made to the teaching content to connect to a pupil's needs (in a class of 3) with a hands on task in our local history study to 'dig' for coal and an introduction to Barnsley's history and talking to family members about their past jobs. (The impact of Mining)
(2023 2024) Reader pen used to support a pupil in order to complete an ordering activity for the reason Vikings targeted England
VF used in books to record pupil's knowledge.
Differentiated time line materials used for identifying key points in the struggle of England between the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons.