Short Term Planning and Curriculum in Action

Explore this page to see some of our MFL learning in action!


We have some examples of short term planning and resources (created by our specialist languages teacher) that were previously used by non-specialist teachers, to deliver our MFL curriculum, before we changed our delivery to be taught solely by subject specialist. 


Look at some of our hard work produced in lessons.


Enjoy listening to our children talk about their French learning in class and during our extra curricular Spanish club.


We have also captured some pictures of our exciting trips to France.



Class 10’s monster descriptions from their assessment. They’ve been using numbers as determiners and colours as adjectives. They have also been attempting to use conjunctions so that they are producing a short passage, rather than just sentences. Well done!

LKS2 ordering their French breakfast🇫🇷

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We are learning how to order our French breakfast 🇫🇷

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We are learning how to order our French breakfast 🇫🇷

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France trip 2024🇫🇷

Absolutely fantastic retelling of The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish club. Well done! 🇪🇸🐛🍒🍓🍉🍋🍌🍏🥪🍪🧁

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We have been remembering our French trip song🇫🇷

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We have been recapping our knowledge in Class 11-verbs, range of topic vocabulary, conjunctions, determiners, opinions and reasons.

Some more great learning from Class 11 showing all of the knowledge and vocabulary we have acquired and used in our writing. Well done!

Look at some of our fabulous writing in Year 6- French work on Healthy Living. We have put together what we have been learning- sports, food/ drink/ hobbies/ adverbs of time and frequency, opinions with reasons, use of quand as a complex structure and verbs. Well done Year 6!

Short term planning example Class 7

Pillars of progression in languages- practicing oracy and listening skills.

Support sheets used in modelling and independent learning activities to support sentence construction orally and written. Extra challenge to stretch those who are able.

Engaging reconnect learning activities to revisit prior learning in an engaging and practical way for all learners.

European Day of Languages 2023

We have begun our European Day of Languages 2023 celebrations in our after school Spanish Club, this is in preparation for our whole school celebration. The children in our extra curricular club have begun learning a little bit about some traditions in Portugal and Germany. They have learnt part of a traditional dance. 🕺🏼 💃🏼 


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We celebrated the European Day of languages yesterday as a whole school.


Each class researched a different European country and learnt about traditions, greetings, culture, flags, food and landmarks. We shared our learning as a school together.


Well done for all your hard work!🇵🇹🇫🇷🇪🇸🇮🇹🇩🇪🇮🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

EYFS and KS1

LKS2 and UKS2

Chateau Beaumont 2023🇫🇷

We are enjoying our 2023 Chateau Beaumont trip. Take a look at how we have been using our French in real life conversations to order ice creams. We have also been exploring the town St Malo. We have had the confidence to communicate with native speakers and to remember our essential vocabulary. Well done Year 6, we hope you are having a great time.😀🇫🇷

Children in LKS2 have begun their 'Welcome to France topic'.


In EYFS and KS1 Students have had some exposure to foreign languages. For example, children sometimes answer the register in different languages using simple greetings (hello, bonjour, hola, ciao). They also learn about different religions, cultures and celebrations from different countries. This exposes them to foreign traditions across the world. We teach the children about diversity amongst children in their class and how this may be different with themselves. Other examples of celebrations from different countries and cultures we learn about are Diwali and Chinese New Year. We aim to do this to raise the profile of foreign languages and cultures before children begin foreign language learning and so they have a curiosity about other cultures and the world.


Y3 Objectives for Welcome to France:

  • To know where France is, and where some important places, towns and cities are located within France.
  • To understand the importance of learning a foreign language. 
  • To understand and use conversational language: 
  • To say Hello/Goodbye 
  • To ask How are you and reply.
  • To say what your name is.
  • To ask what someone’s name is.
  • To know how to identify and say numbers 1-10 in and out of order.
  • To identify some colours.
  • To understand that intonation rises at the end of questions.
  • To understand some Halloween words and understand how Halloween is celebrated in France.


Key Grammar objectives for this unit:


Students are fed key phrases, and through the use of lexicogrammar, which is the introduction of grammar through communicative functions, students will begin to pick up on simple grammatical ideas of subject pronouns, asking questions, the use of verbs. Children love the idea of being able to communicate and speak French, and naturally will be inquisitive about how to talk about themselves. 


Listening- Students should be able to understand short simple questions about how they feel and what their name is.

Students should be able to identify a greeting, a feeling, when asked their name, a number up to 10 and some colours.  


Reading – Students should be able to read and identify some numbers in and out of order and some colours. Students should also be able to read a short conversation on introductions and pick out a greeting, feeling and name.  


Speaking – Students should be able to ask and answer a few short questions about how they are feeling and about someone’s name. They should be able to say hello and goodbye.

Students can say where France is, and name a few places, towns or cities in France.

They should be able to say some numbers in French up to 10 and say some colours.


Writing – Students should be able to write the words for some greetings, feelings and write their own name. They can write some French places/ towns/ cities on a map of France. They should also be able to write some numbers up to 10 and some colours in French.

Grammar- Students should be able to identify the pronouns Je (i) and Tu (you).

Students should be able to raise their voice at the end of questions.


Phonics –Students concentrate on single letter sounds, especially consonants in this block 


Consonants not in English: ç (ss greedy letter), h (silent), r (rr greedy letter), x (z) 


Students should be able to read and say words with these consonants in them. They will be highlighted as red letters within words.


Take a look at our learning goals for our first lesson in the MTP:


Learning Goal:

To know where France is so that I can locate it and some of its town/ cities on a map.

  • To locate where France is on a map of Europe.
  • To discuss how we can travel to France from the UK.
  • To know where you will go on the French trip in year 6.  
  • To understand some facts about France.
  • To locate some cities/ towns on a map of France.


Children in UKS2 have begun their 'Healthy living-Keeping Fit' topic


Previous Objectives which lead up to this unit:

Class 6 Objectives

  • Express likes and dislikes- J’aime/ Je n’aime pas
  • Ask questions using the pronoun Tu.
  • Express a simple opinion using C’est.
  • Use and understanding of pronouns Je and Tu.

Classes 7 and 8 Objectives

  • Use and understanding of pronouns Je, Tu, IL and Elle.
  • Understand that verbs change spelling when someone else is doing the action. 
  • To extend ideas (and therefore sentences) with the addition of conjunctions – et, mais and aussi.
  • To say to what degree something is like by including intensifiers.
  • To extend opinion phrases to I love and I hate.

Class 9 Objectives

  • To revisit the opinion verbs J’aime/ Je n’aime pas/ J’adore and Je déteste  in order to say whether you like Barnsley or not.
  • To extend and explain opinions by adding reasons to your opinions about Barnsley. Explaining why you like or dislike it, using the conjunction parce que- because.
  • To use adjectives to further explain opinions, using: C'est Cool, super, ennuyeux and nul.
  • To understand the full paradigm of subject pronouns- extending to: on, nous, vous, ils and elles so that you can understand and say who lives where.
  • To understand conjugation of an -er verb and to conjugate and -er verb – habiter (to live).

Key Grammar:

To explain our opinions by adding reasons and using an extended list of adjectives.

To conjugate other -er verbs in the full paradigms – Jouer (to play) and danser (to dance).

To use and identify the 3rd person plural – They (ils/ elles).

To recognise and use the key irregular verb of faire (to do/ make). 

To use and recognise adverbs of frequency to say how often you do something.

In the Future:

At KS3 and KS4 expressing opinions and giving reasons are a measure of success.

Also, at KS3 and KS4 it is essential that students can conjugate -er verbs, they can recognise and use the four key irregular verbs, including faire. This is important, as students will go on to expand their verb conjugation knowledge to -re, -ir, reflexive and other irregular verbs before they move on to using these verbs in different time frames and tenses.

Healthy Living is a GCSE theme.



Listening- Understand the main points and some detail from a short-spoken passage on sports and opinions with reasons, picking out adverbials of frequency and subject pronouns.


Reading – Understand the main points and simple opinions of a longer written passage about sports, which includes adverbs of frequency, opinions with reasons and different people doing different actions.  They should also be able to use a bilingual dictionary to look up any unknown words.


SpeakingTake part in a simple conversation about sports, with opinions and reasons.


Writing Write a short text about sport preferences, which include reasons and adverbs of frequency. They should be able to write a compound sentence using conjunctions.


Grammar- Use a range of conjunction. Express an opinion with a reason, recognise a range of subject pronouns, conjugate an -er verb, use parts of the verb faire, and identify and use adverbials of frequency.


Phonics – Students build on the phonics knowledge they already have. They will look at the following diagraphs:

un (urne)

ch (sh said the horse to the hissing snake)

eau and au (ow blow the snow)

ou (oo poo at the zoo)

oi (wah)

ui (wee)

They should be able to listen to short phrase/sentences and unfamiliar words so they can write or say them with more accuracy. In addition, they should be able to read single unknown words more readily.


Take a look at our learning goals for the first lesson in the MTP:


Lesson 1

Learning Goal:

To know some sports in French so that I can say what I like to do to keep fit.


To identify some sports using my knowledge of cognates

To use a bilingual dictionary to identify any unusual looking words.

To extend my opinions to I love and I hate.

Phonetical Sound: ch


Cultural Capital- differentiated learning to find out about and explore how people in France celebrate Easter- Pâques!

Look at some of our French learning in KS2, children have worked really hard to learn, practise and revise new vocabulary when using the different skills needed to learn a language!

Some of the highlights from our French 2022 Trip, c'était fantatsique!

Remembrance day in France in year 6! Look at our cultural capital and how we learn about different celebrations in France.

Click the link below to watch Class 6 playing a game to learn their Spanish numbers.



Spanish counting game in class 6!

Click the link to watch Class 6 playing a game to learn their Spanish numbers.

Exciting French trip 2018- Fougeres Castle

Our Exciting French trip 2018- Bayeux Tapestry

Our Exciting French trip 2018- St Hilaire Market

French in Action Class 12


In Year 6, children are reviewing their prior learning of the French alphabet and using their phonological awareness to compare this to the English alphabet. They have been learning to use the alphabet to spell out familiar words and names.

France trip 2017- Laval

France trip 2017- Robert Tatin Museum

France trip 2017- St Malo