Class 7
Welcome to Class 7
Welcome to Class 7's page to show off all of our amazing work and special events. Mrs Roe and Mrs Key are looking forward to working with children who are trying their best and working hard.
Meet our class school councillor! After speeches from interested candidates, we had a secret ballot to vote for our class councillor. There were lots of brilliant reasons to be chosen and we look forward to the work she does for Class 7.
We have been working on stories with familiar settings and using the story of ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl to help us to find a description of a school. We described Crunchem Hall and then built up to describing our own school using nouns, adjectives and prepositions.
We will then be moving on the analysing the characters of Miss Honey and Miss Trunchbull to create our own characters for our new school.
Science - Electricity
Lesson 1: What is electricity? and electrical appliances
Lesson 2: Labelling electrical components.

Lesson 3: Circuits - complete or incomplete?

Sporting achievements at home.