
School Vision


At Burton Road Primary School we have worked hard to create a positive atmosphere where children can feel welcome and secure.

We set high standards for academic achievements and for socially acceptable behaviour. We encourage the children’s interests through a wide range of extra curricular activities, educational visits and the involvement of writers, storytellers, artists, sculptors, theatre groups and performers within school. We are seeking to develop a dynamic curriculum where children feel inspired to learn…

All children at this school have potential and should aim to… ‘Follow The Road To Success!”




At Burton Road Primary School we aim to provide the best possible education for all our pupils within a setting which is aimed at the development of the whole child. Everyone involved with the school will promote the children’s self-esteem and respect.



  • to develop successful learners who make progress and achieve
  • to provide every child with opportunities to reach his/her full potential through challenging and stimulating experiences, across a rich and relevant curriculum in a caring and positive environment
  • to develop confident individuals who are equipped with the skills to cope with the demands of a rapidly changing societyto help pupils feel safe, secure and lead healthy lives
  • to develop responsible citizens who make a valuable contribution to our community, and society in general


  • that every child should be given the opportunity to develop a sense of their own worth.
  • that every child should be given the opportunity to become an enquiring, active and independent learner.
  • that learning and teaching at Burton Road Primary School should act to build upon the strengths of every child through the provision of a creative and inspiring curriculum.
  • that we are all learners – learning is a lifelong skill and this process is not just something that is restricted to the confines of the school curriculum.


  • personal characteristics such as honesty, fairness, tolerance and perseverance.
  • a respect for the feelings and views of others, in addition to a respect for the environment in which we live and work.
  • parental support and all positive contributions within the school, or wider, community.
  • a diverse range of gifts and talent
  • all achievements

It is our intention that the aims, beliefs and values identified permeate every aspect of learning and teaching.