Welcome to Class 5 - Miss Hanson
Hello and a warm welcome to the class 5 blog! We can't wait to share with you all of the wonderful learning that takes place within our classroom. In class 5 we strive to do our best at all times whilst having lots of fun along the way. Please keep checking our page for regular updates!
In science class 5 have been finding out about solids,liquids and gases.
Today in class 5 the children were taught how to cross a road safely. They loved working in small groups to understand how to cross the road in the most safe and sensible way.
In R.E we have been finding out about places that Buddhists visit to worship. We had a go at drawing a Buddhist temple and used appropriate colours to add detail to our drawings.
Today we have been investigating how shadows change. We loved predicting what we thought might happen and investigating to see if we were correct.
This afternoon we have been investigating how light travels. We worked collaboratively to come up with ideas as to how we could investigate this. We found out that light does in fact travel in straight lines. Have a look at us in action....
Yesterday in history class 5 compared our lives today to the lives of the Aztecs. We were amazed at what we found out!
Today in class we created art work inspired by the Russian artist Kandinsky. The piece of art work that inspired us from his vast collection was his interpretation of a cacao tree. We attempted to compose our own versions using oil pastels. What do you think?
Due to the excitement generated by our trip to York Chocolate Story yesterday, today in class 5 we decided to look at the chocolate time line then we recreated our own in our books.
This weeks golden tie winners from class 5 are Kymberlee and Ryley. Well done to both of you for your hard work and commitment to all of your learning.
Class 5 have had a super day in York to kick start our topic- Chocolate. We found out about how chocolate is made, where it originated from and got to taste lots of gorgeous samples along the way - we even got to make tasty treats to take home! It is fair to say that we cannot wait to find out more about chocolate!
This morning, for Sports Relief, class 5 have had lots of fun trying different sports. Have a look at us in action!
In class 5 we have been finding out about the Battle of Hastings as part of our Viking topic. We've found out why the battle happened, where it happened, who was involved and how it changed history forever.
Look at our fantastic work!
We have been super scientists in class 5 finding out which materials are reflective and which ones are not. We thought about why it might be useful for materials to be reflective by thinking about where we see reflective things in our day to day life. We tested a range of materials and ordered them according to how well they reflected light. We then concluded our investigation by recognising the properties of materials that reflect the best!
Today in class we have made our own switches and have added them to circuits. We found out why switches are used and what effect they have on a circuit. Please look at our pictures below to see us in action!
From next week our PE days have changed. Our PE sessions will now be MONDAY and THURSDAY. Both of these sessions will be outdoor so your child will require warm, suitable clothing. Many thanks, I hope you all have a lovely weekend! Miss Hanson.
This afternoon class 5 have had lots of fun looking at electrical circuits. We looked at a range of circuits and predicted whether or not they would work using our knowledge of electricity. We then tested them out to see if our predictions were correct.
The proud children of class 5 with their homework!
Class 5 have had a fantastic afternoon representing Burton Road at the year 3/4 relay competition at Outwood Academy. All of the children worked superbly as a team and did our school proud! Well done to all of you!
Class 5 you have blown me away today with the fantastic homework you have been bringing in. You are all so creative and should be extremely proud of yourselves. Well done to everyone!
Wow! We have had some super homework so far. We can't wait to see the rest! Remember homework is due on Wednesday 31st January.
Many thanks Miss Hanson
Could I please remind you that children in Class 5 need their OUTDOOR P.E kit on Tuesdays and Thursdays from now until the end of half term. Many thanks Miss Hanson
Wow! What a day we have had. We all loved welcoming Olaf the Viking to Burton Road! Here' s what we got upto ....
Please could I remind you that costumes for our production of Joseph and the Technicolor dreamcoat need to be in school by Thursday ready for our dress rehearsal on Friday. Many thanks Miss Hanson.
Can all children in class 5 please remember to bring an old top/ t-shirt for our trip to Barnsley College tomorrow. Many thanks Miss Hanson.
Today, during our topic lesson we have been learning about the four different layers of a rainforest. We looked at the types of plants that grow within a rainforest and the range of animals that have made the rainforest their home.
This week in Class 5 we have been looking at the climate within the Amazon rainforest and have investigated how much rain falls throughout a typical year. We presented our findings using a graph.
This week the children of class 5 have loved being reunited with each other again after the half term break and have settled well into their learning. We have had an exciting week back finished off with non uniform day today! The children have loved coming into school in their own clothes whilst helping us to collect prizes for the school Christmas tombola! In literacy this week we have started a new book called 'Ghost for sale'. The children have really engaged well with the book and we can't wait to find out what happens next! In maths the children have been working hard practising their addition skills using the column method.