Class 12
"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think."
- Albert Einstein
In Year Six, we...
- listen and make positive contributions to class discussions
- try our best and persevere even when we find things challenging
- take care of one another and work as a team
- take responsibility for our learning
- ask questions when thinking critically about what we are learning
- enjoy reading for pleasure
- strive to achieve our personal targets and goals
Our classroom is a happy and inviting place where we want our children to feel free to make mistakes in order to help them learn. We strongly believe that a classroom with laughter and smiles is a classroom that learns best and we promote a positive attitude in everything that we do. We want the children to enjoy their final year at Burton Road Primary School and give them memories and experiences that they will treasure forever. We hope that you enjoy seeing all of the fabulous things we have done so far. Thank you for visiting our class page.
Miss Densley and Mrs Shevill-Wright
Spring 1 Class Read - 'Holes'
Stanley Yelnats has bad luck (which is all because of his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather).
When Stanley's bad luck unfairly lands him in the juvenile detention centre Camp Green Lake (a very weird place that isn't green and doesn't have a lake), he and his campmates Zero, X-Ray, Armpit, Squid, Magnet and Zigzag are forced to dig holes in order to build character...
But what are they really digging for?
Geography - Asia
To launch our Asia topic, we have been locating countries in Asia and discovering what their flags look like. We coloured the flags onto the map of Asia to help us remember both the name and flag of the country.
Science - Investigating Shadows

Our first investigation in our new Science unit was to understand what happens to shadows as the light sources moves further away from the object. The children measured the shadow when the light source was 2cm, 5cm and 10cm away from the object and noticed that the further away the light source, the smaller the shadow became.
Creating Impressions of London in Literacy
Using our previous class read, Treason, we have been building impressions of London in the 1500s. We used an extract from the book to build impressions of dirty, noisy, cramped and smelly. We then found the evidence that led us to these impressions. We will be building up to writing our own descriptions of London in our Big Write.
History - Using Sources to decide if Mary I deserved the title 'Bloody Mary'
Whilst studying the Tudors in History, we looked at the reign of Mary I. We used primary sources from the 1500s and some secondary sources including information about Queen Mary to decide if she deserved the title 'Bloody Mary' or not. After analysing all of the evidence, we concluded that she did in fact deserve the name 'Bloody Mary' because she killed so many Protestants who did not agree to follow her Catholic ways.
In PSHE, we have been learning about the importance of ensuring that we keep ourselves safe online. We showed just how fast information can spread on the internet with this PSHE game and enjoyed trying to see how fast we could achieve our target of getting the whole class to sit down once they had been tapped on the shoulder.
History - The Dissolution of the Monasteries

We created a diamond 9 to show the key events that led to King Henry breaking from Rome and leaving the Catholic religion behind. King Henry became the Head of the Church of England and destroyed the Monasteries to take their land and money. We had to decide which event was the most important in the dissolution of the monasteries. We had great discussions and had to argue our side to try and keep our most important event at the top of the diamond.
Autumn Term 2 Class Read
The Year Six school trip where your first day might just be your last...
Maybe it's the bloodstained man who tries to stop the coach. Maybe it's the absence of welcome staff, but something is definitely not right at Crater Lake Activity Centre.
Then, at night, things get much, much stranger... Lance and his friends, Chets, Katja, Big Mak and Adrianne find themselves in a fight for survival and must work together to defeat a swarm of enemies.
But whatever happens they must never, ever fall asleep!
DT - Sewing Christmas Cards
For our Christmas Cards, we designed and sewed a Christmas pattern. We practised the skill by using back stitch to sew a straight line and then transferred our design onto fabric to sew around it. Some of the children wanted to add extra detail by sewing inside their outline as well.
Our First Class Read was...
Miss Densley is currently reading Treason by Berlie Doherty to us as our Class Read. This is a story about a boy (William Montague) who is to be page to King Henry VIII's son, Prince Edward. He travels to London from his family home and soon becomes a favourite of King Henry which creates him many enemies. His father is found guilty of treason and so Will Montague must brave the streets of London in an attempt to free his father. Danger, grit and sacrifice all feature in our Class Novel!
Crucial Crew December 2021
Science - The Galapagos Islands' Finches
In Science, we have been learning about the Galapagos Island finches, who adapted their beak shapes in order to survive. We learnt about Charles Darwin and how he investigated the finches to develop his theory of natural selection. We discovered that the birds would have to adapt their beaks to be able to eat the food that was available on the island that they were living on. If the birds were not able to feed, they would not be able to survive.
The Royal Tudor's Family Tree
The children really enjoyed this activity where they had to use their reading skills in order to place the family members in the correct place on the family tree. The children worked in groups to read the information on the Tudor's direct royal line to understand where everyone should be placed. They used chronological understanding to place the children and wives into the correct order as well as understanding the importance of having a male heir. The children used whiteboard pens to mark on the lines for marriages and children. A fantastic, historical afternoon for Class 12!
Investigating Order of Operations in Maths
Class 12 have really impressed me today with their trial and error, resilience and BODMAS knowledge and skills. They have applied their understanding to a number of reasoning and problem solving questions. They enjoyed working together to try and form calculations that could give the totals given. It was even trickier because they only had a small amount of numbers to work with. Super effort from the whole of Team 12 today!

French Alphabet Practice

Our Final Pieces inspired by Antony Gormley
We hope you enjoy looking at our final 3D sculptures using wire. We thought carefully about the correct proportions of the human body before manipulating the wire into a human body form. We drew a human body sketch and split it into eighths to give us the correct proportions. This helped us to ensure that our sculptures would be as realistic as possible. Take a look below to see us when we were creating our sculptures.
Class 12 worked with wire to create their own body form sculptures

Practising and Performing Poetry
We have been practising our reading performances through poetry. We have spent time learning and rehearsing to help us with intonation, pronunciation and expression before performing to the class.
Recreating Antony Gormley’s ‘Field’

“Take a hand-size ball of clay and form it into a human figure as quickly as possible. Get the proportions as close as you can and then give it two eyes.”
These were our creations to make our very own ‘Field for Burton Road’. What do you think?