Curriculum Design and the Long Term Plan

Curriculum Design and the Long Term Plan


September 2023: Following a change to our class structure and the introduction of a new subject lead, our long term plan in currently under review.  We are working to ensure children develop a coherent picture and chronological understanding of the periods studied in terms of concurrence and duration.


We are looking to ensure links can be made across the units studies to allow the children to build on their core knowledge and extend it. We believe it is important our curriculum reflects our context but also makes links to the wider world view alongside our local history, ensuring diversity and to extend our children's outlook and understanding in our modern world from their knowledge and understanding of what has happened in the past. Our themes, including the development of medicine and autocracy versus democracy, have been chosen to reflect our pupils' own life experiences and current world events, aiming to bring history and the modern world together.


Please see the plan in progress!

New Long Term Plan- updated for 24/25