Class 6
Monday 13th July 2020
Hello Class 6,
It is your final week of the school year this week and that means your final week of home learning. This week I’d like you to continue with your spellings, reading and TT Rockstars as normal. But literacy and numeracy this week is a booklet of tasks. This will be posted today for you to work through. Try your best to give each task a go and I hope you enjoy them. As for topic, there are some creative, making tasks to complete if you wish, again it would be wonderful to see your creations so don’t forget to send me photographs via Purple Mash email!
I just wanted to say a huge thank you on behalf of myself and your teachers for your continued support throughout this strange time these past few months. I want you to know that you’ve all done superbly with your efforts for the home learning and your hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed, it has been lovely seeing your photos and work you have sent in, you have done Burton Road Primary proud! I know it may have been difficult at times and testing for grown ups too, but you’ve smashed it, well done! I hope your motivation continues for the new school year.
This week you will receive your school reports and find out your new class and teacher…how exciting for you! Things may be a little different in September, when you return, with regards to routines etc, but worry not- we’re all in this together and we will support you and each other as best as we can. Our aim is for you to be safe and happy!
It has been an absolute pleasure to see what you’ve been up to and work alongside you for your final weeks of this year and I look forward to seeing you all safe and smiling in September for another fun, learning, action-packed year! Have a great Summer everyone! Stay safe and look after you and yours!
Take care and see you all very soon,
Mrs Hatton
Thank you for your kind message!
Week 7 Spellings
Numeracy Week 7
Literacy Week 7
Topic Week 7
Monday 6.7.20
Hello class 6!
I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend and that you all remained to stay safe! I am not going to write as much for your homelearning introduction this week as I feel that you’re all ‘pros’ and know how it all works by now!
Everything remains just about the same - spellings, numeracy, literacy and topic. There is a slight change this week with your literacy as I have set little SPAG tasks rather than bigger literacy tasks. There are three differentiated sheets on the PDF. Do all three if you wish, or the one that is the level most suited to you. You can tell the difference by looking at the star at the bottom of each sheet. I hope you enjoy the SPAG tasks as I know some of you were getting a little bored of the literacy now.
Please continue your weekly reading as I know most of you have been doing and logging into accelerated reader too to complete a quiz and also don’t forget there is a TT rockstars battle for the week.
Please remember to share anything whether it is work related or not - if you wish of course- you know how I enjoy seeing what you’ve been up to!
If there is anything you require or need support with you know how to get in touch with me via purple mash email, please don’t hesitate!
A massive thank you to you all for your continued support, you’re all doing a smashing job!
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Mrs Hatton
This week's work wall of fame

Week 6 Spellings
Consolidation- statutory words
Numeracy W.C 6.7.20
Literacy W.C. 6.7.20
Topic- creative tasks Week 6
Topic Task Menu
Week 5 29th June 2020
Hello Class 6.
I hope you’re all safe and well.
Home learning this week shall continue as normal and all updates will be on our web page.
Work shall be posted daily for numeracy and literacy. The powerpoints will be posted on a Monday and the learning tasks will be posted each day. Please continue try your best at having a go at these. If you find work too hard for Numeracy, try the ‘Task B’ activity. You already know how this works now so you should be ok with accessing the learning for this week. If there is no ‘Task B’ then the work set should be easily accessible.
The weekly spellings will continue as normal and the spelling quiz will also be set for you on Purple Mash. Remember to talk about the meaning of each word! This is important so you know what they mean! I will set a ‘redo’ if you do not get more than 6/10 on Purple Mash. This is so you are confident with the spellings. If you complete the spellings at the beginning of the week, could you challenge yourself to put them into a sentence?
I am so pleased that you’re enjoying our topic work! Our Wall of Fame shows this off! I shall continue to post one lesson each week to read and understand on a powerpoint followed by a task. Don’t forget to continue using your creativity and also have a go at some of our topic menu of tasks. These compliment our topic well and are mostly creative tasks that you can have lots of fun with. Remember- you’re not expected to complete ALL of the tasks, but it would be lovely to show off your creative skills! Be sure to continue to send me pictures of your work so I can continue post on our web page wall of fame!
Our work wall of fame has been bursting with super-duper work from you lovely lot, not just topic work either- send in some other interesting bits you have been doing at home! Keep it up! I always look forward to seeing what you’ve been up to!
Don’t forget to try and read every day or as much as you can during the week and use accelerated reader where you can too. TT Rockstars will continue its weekly battles- so keep practising!
If you need anything or more information about your home learning, please do not hesitate to contact me via Purple Mash!
Keep up the hard work!
Mrs Hatton
This week's work wall of fame!

Week 5 Spellings- Consolidation
Let the battle commence! Class 6 do you have what it takes to tackle Class 7 in a TT Rockstars battle?
Log in and take on the challenge! This battle will be on each week so keep an eye on the scores too!
Numeracy W.C.29.6.20
Literacy W.C. 29.6.20
Topic Week 5
Topic Tasks
Hello Class 6! It’s Friday!
What another busy week we have all had! An added bonus too with the weather being warm and sunny. I hope you’ve all had a super week! Thank you for your work that you keep sending me and I’m pleased to see you’re continuing with spellings and other work on Purple Mash! Keep working hard, I am super proud of all of your efforts!
Well done!
Chillax, stay safe and have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Hatton 😊
Week 4 22nd June 2020
Hello Class 6.
I hope you’ve enjoyed another weekend and hope you and your families are safe and well.
Home learning this week shall continue as normal and updates will be on our web page.
Work shall be posted daily for numeracy and literacy. The powerpoints will be posted on a Monday and the learning tasks will be posted each day. Please try your best at having a go at these. If you find work too hard for Numeracy, try the ‘Task B’ activity. You already know how this works now so you should be ok with accessing the learning for this week.
The weekly spellings will continue as normal and the spelling quiz will also be set for you on Purple Mash. Well done to everyone- who has had a go at week three’s quiz! Again, try and keep up with your spellings as best as you can. Also talk about the meaning of each word! This is important so you know what they mean! I will set a ‘redo’ if you do not get more than 6/10. This is so you are confident with the spellings. If you complete the spellings at the beginning of the week, could you challenge yourself to put them into a sentence?
I am so pleased that you’re enjoying our topic work! Our Wall of Fame shows this off! I shall continue to post one lesson each week to read and understand on a powerpoint followed by a task. Don’t forget to continue using your creativity and also have a go at some of our topic menu of tasks. These compliment our topic well and are mostly creative tasks that you can have lots of fun with. Remember- you’re not expected to complete ALL of the tasks, but it would be lovely to show off your creative skills! Be sure to continue to send me pictures of your work so I can continue post on our web page wall of fame!
Our work wall of fame has been bursting with super-duper work from you lovely lot, not just topic work wither- send in some other interesting bits you have been doing at home! Keep it up! I cannot wait to see what is in store for this coming week!
Don’t forget to try and read every day or as much as you can during the week and use accelerated reader where you can. TT Rockstars will continue its weekly battles- so keep practising!
I may post some little extras so keep your eye out on our page for more tasks if you wish to complete them. They are not compulsory, but you may feel that you’d prefer to complete them instead of, or alongside numeracy or literacy. I will leave that down to you and your grown up’s decision.
If you need anything or more information about your home learning, please do not hesitate to contact me via Purple Mash!
Have another great week,
Mrs Hatton
This week's work wall of fame!

Week 4 spellings
Consolidation- you will have practised these previously but now the time is to consolidate to see if you have practised them enough to remember how to spell them! The quiz is set for when you’re ready!
Let the battle commence! Class 6 do you have what it takes to tackle Class 7 in a TT Rockstars battle?
Log in and take on the challenge! This battle will be on each week so keep an eye on the scores too!
Numeracy W.C. 22.6.20
Literacy W.C. 22.6.20
Topic Week 4
Summer Term Topic Tasks
Below is our Viking topic task menu on the powerpoint. You are not expected to complete all of these tasks, you can choose as little or as many as you wish. These are creative tasks so show off your skills so we can share them on our page!
These tasks will be posted every week to remind you there are additional tasks for your home learning.
Hi Class 6, it’s Friday! We made it!
Here we are at the end of yet another week. I hope you’ve all managed to have a go at some work and kept your little minds busy as much as you can. I am absolute thrilled with the amount of effort and work I have been sent this week or seen to be completed via tasks on Purple Mash and I hope you’ll agree that our wall of fame just shows off some of those efforts made. I have seen some wonderful varieties of work and also other things you have been up to! It’s good to share exciting times at home as well as work! Again, I want to thank all of you and your grown ups for all of your hard work and perseverance…they’re becoming great teachers 😉! I will be out of a job soon!
Hopefully, we will have some sun and less wet, miserable rain this weekend! Go out, get some fresh air and most importantly, rest and be lazy this weekend!
Don’t forget to check out our webpage for more work posted daily from Monday!
Take care, stay safe and enjoy!
Mrs Hatton
Week 3 15th June 2020
Hello Class 6.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the weekend and hope you and your families are safe and well.
Home learning this week shall continue as normal and updates will be on our web page.
Work shall be posted daily for numeracy and literacy. The powerpoints will be posted on a Monday and the learning tasks will be posted each day. Please try your best at having a go at these. If you find work too hard for Numeracy, try the ‘Task B’ activity. You already know how this works now so you should be ok with accessing the learning for this week.
The weekly spellings will continue as normal and the spelling quiz will also be set for you on Purple Mash. Well done to everyone- who has had a go at week two’s quiz! Again, try and keep up with your spellings as best as you can. Also talk about the meaning of each word! This is important so you know what they mean! I will set a ‘redo’ if you do not get more than 6/10. This is so you are confident with the spellings. If you complete the spellings at the beginning of the week, could you challenge yourself to put them into a sentence?
I am pleased to see that you’re now really stuck into our topic- The Vikings! I shall continue to post one lesson each week to read and understand on a powerpoint followed by a task. Don’t forget to continue using your creativity and also have a go at some of our topic menu of tasks. These compliment our topic well and are mostly creative tasks that you can have lots of fun with. Remember- You’re not expected to complete ALL of the tasks, but it would be lovely to show off your creative skills! Be sure to send me pictures of your work so I can continue post on our web page wall of fame!
Our work wall of fame has been busier than ever the past week and I am so proud to be posting your superb work on there! I cannot wait to see what is in store for this coming week!
Don’t forget to try and read every day or as much as you can during the week and use accelerated reader where you can. TT Rockstars now has weekly battles available to complete too (I know how you like to compete)!
I may post some little extras so keep your eye out on our page for more tasks if you wish to complete them. They are not compulsory, but you may feel that you’d prefer to complete them instead of, or alongside numeracy or literacy. I will leave that down to you and your grown up’s decision.
If you need anything or more information about your home learning, please do not hesitate to contact me via Purple Mash!
Have a great week,
Mrs Hatton
Week 3's work wall of fame

Let the battle commence! Class 6 do you have what it takes to tackle Class 7 in a TT Rockstars battle?
Log in and take on the challenge! This battle will be on each week so keep an eye on the scores!
This week’s spellings to practise are:
Some time fillers/ little extras- Only if you want to do!
Numeracy W.C 15.6.20
Literacy W.C. 15.6.20
Topic Week 3
Summer Term Topic Tasks
Below is our Viking topic task menu on the powerpoint. You are not expected to complete all of these tasks, you can choose as little or as many as you wish. These are creative tasks so show off your skills so we can share them on our page!
These tasks will be posted every week to remind you there are additional tasks for your home learning.
Hi Class 6, happy Friday!
Here we are at the end of yet another week. I hope you’ve all managed to have a go at some work and kept your little minds busy as much as you can. I am absolute thrilled with the amount of effort and work I have been sent this week or seen to be completed via tasks on Purple Mash and I hope you’ll agree that our wall of fame just shows off some of those efforts made. I have seen some wonderful longboats, longhouses and creativity used from recycled items too! I want to thank all of you and your grown ups for all of your hard work and perseverance and I am pleased to see that our Purple Mash emails have been a great tool for communicating too!
Have a well deserved rest this weekend and enjoy it, whatever you may do! Check out our webpage for more work posted daily from Monday!
Take care, stay safe and have some fun!
Mrs Hatton
Week 2 8th June 2020
Hello Class 6.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the weekend and hope you and your families are safe and well.
Home learning this week shall continue as normal and updates will be on our web page.
Work shall be posted daily for numeracy and literacy. The powerpoints will be posted on a Monday and the learning tasks will be posted each day. Please try your best at having a go at these. If you find work too hard for Numeracy, try the ‘Task B’ activity.
The weekly spellings will continue as last week and the spelling quiz will also be set for you on Purple Mash. Well done to everyone- who has had a go at week one’s quiz! Again, try and keep up with your spellings as best as you can. Also talk about the meaning of each word! This is important so you know what they mean! I will set a ‘redo’ if you do not get more than 6/10. This is so you are confident with the spellings. If you complete the spellings at the beginning of the week, could you challenge yourself to put them into a sentence?
Lots of you have made a start on our topic- The Vikings! I shall continue to post one lesson each week to read and understand on a powerpoint. There shall be a task after each powerpoint for you to complete.
Remember-it would be great if you could use your creativity and present your task as you’d like. Some tasks I have added additional resources that may assist you in the task. In addition to the task after the powerpoint there is a menu of tasks relating to the Vikings topic. By all means have a go and choose any of the tasks you wish to do if they interest you. You’re not expected to complete ALL of the tasks, but it would be lovely if you could choose some to show off your creative skills! Be sure to send me pictures of your work so I can post on our web page wall of fame!
If you need anything or more information about your home learning, please do not hesitate to contact me via Purple Mash!
Don’t forget to email me your super work! Use the ‘how to’ help guide I posted last week to help with sending me emails via purple mash.
Thank you and enjoy,
Mrs Hatton
Let the battle commence! Class 6 do you have what it takes to tackle Class 7 in a TT Rockstars battle?
Log in and take on the challenge! This battle will be on each week so keep an eye on the scores
Week 2's work wall of fame!

This week’s spellings to practise are:
Don't forget to learn understand the meaning of each word. You could practise this by adding the word into a sentence.
This week's spelling quiz is on Purple Mash for when you are ready.
Numeracy W.C. 8.6.20
Literacy W.C. 8.6.20
Topic week 2
Summer Term Topic Tasks
Below is our Viking topic task menu on the powerpoint. You are not expected to complete all of these tasks, you can choose as little or as many as you wish. These are creative tasks so show off your skills so we can share them on our page!
These tasks will be posted every week to remind you there are additional tasks for your home learning.
Another week done Class 6! Please don't forget to send any work you do to my Purple Mash email. If you are unsure of how to do this please see the 'how to' guide posted below on this webpage.
Always try your best and do what you can. I have been pleased to see work completed on Purple Mash this week.
Remember to check out the webpage on Monday for week two's learning.
Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!
Mrs Hatton
Week 1 1st June 2020
Hello Class 6. I hope you’ve enjoyed a beautiful, sunny past week, and hope you and your families are safe and well.
Home learning will continue as normal and updates will be on our web page, as you have used previously. As other teachers are busy teaching in school, I have been given the job of making sure you’re still learning and keeping those minds busy. It may be a little different to what you have been used to, but not too much! I will make it easy enough for you to follow. I want you to understand that there is no right or wrong order in which you choose to do the work. Remember attempting work and trying your best is always appreciated no matter how much you do.
Work shall be posted weekly, keep an eye out on our web page and on Purple Mash.
I shall set a weekly spelling quiz for you to have a go at. I shall post a spelling list of 10 spellings on our web page for you to practise first and you may choose when you’re ready to take the spelling quiz on Purple Mash. Try and keep up with your spellings as best as you can. Also talk about the meaning of each word! This is important so you know what they mean!
Daily literacy and numeracy powerpoint will be posted weekly and this includes the learning tasks and any additional supporting resources too. Please try your best at having a go at these.
Our new topic is The Vikings! It is such a wonderful topic and I hope you enjoy learning about it as much as I adore teaching it! There will be a lesson each week to read and understand on a powerpoint. There shall be a task after each powerpoint for you to complete. It would be great if you could use your creativity and present your task as you’d like. Some tasks I have added additional resources that may assist you in the task. In addition to the task after the powerpoint there is a menu of tasks relating to the Vikings topic. By all means have a go and choose any of the tasks you wish to do if they interest you. You’re not expected to complete ALL of the tasks, but it would be lovely if you could choose some to show off your creative skills! Be sure to send me pictures of your work so I can post on our web page wall of fame!
Remember just try your best and do what you can! Enjoy the sunshine and safe outdoors where possible and don’t forget to smile and make the most of your time!
If you need anything or more information about your home learning, please do not hesitate to contact me via Purple Mash!
Enjoy, Mrs Hatton
Please read the guide for information on how to email your child's work in to me.
Week one spellings to learn this week. 1.6.20
There is a ‘to do’ quiz set on Purple Mash for when you have finished practising and are confident! Good luck!
Literacy week 1
Day 1 – Listening to The Sword in the Stone and then reading a version in print. Answering questions on the text. Summarising characters and their relationships.
Day 2 – Watching an adaptation of the same story. Writing a paragraph from given stimuli. Summarising and re-telling the story.
Day 3 – Listening to and reading ‘A Good Play’, a poem by RL Stevenson. Listening to some teaching on past and present tense and then completing given exercises.
Day 4 – Listening to and reading ‘The Swing’ by RL Stevenson. Listening to teaching on the progressive form, then writing sentences using this. Writing creatively.
Day 5 – Reading Where Go the Boats by RL Stevenson. Learning about the perfect form from the teaching, and practising it. Choosing a favourite poem and memorising it.
Please note the literacy work will say 'week 8 day 1 etc' this is the correct work for week 1.
Numeracy week 1 1.6.20
Day 1 – Read through the powerpoint on multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. If children can access this, they will hear the voice-over on the place value grid. They use a place value grid as their model when multiplying and dividing.
Day 2 – Children can work through the Learning Reminders to rehearse how a ‘function machine’ changes the input into an output. Drawing on the teaching from yesterday, they understand division as the inverse of multiplication.
Day 3 – Read through the powerpoint on telling the time on both analogue and digital clocks. If children can access the PowerPoint, they hear key points explained. They practise recording analogue and digital times, first to five-minute intervals and then to one minute.
Day 4 – Children rehearse number bonds to 60 (25 + 35, 20 + 40, etc.), then focus on telling the time on both analogue and digital clocks to the next hour. They practise this skill, then extend it using a problem-solving investigation.
Day 5 – Children use their understanding of units of time (hours, minutes and seconds) to time events, then record the results in a bar chart. They also interpret bar charts of the same type.
Please note that the learning resources may say 'week 4 day 1, 2 etc' but they're the correct resources for week 1.
Topic Week 1
Please read through part 1 and part 2 of week 1's powerpoints. There is a task at the end of part 2's powerpoint. See if you can complete the timeline.
Summer Term Topic Tasks
Below is our Viking topic task menu on the powerpoint. You are not expected to complete all of these tasks, you can choose as little or as many as you wish. These are creative tasks so show off your skills so we can share them on our page!
These tasks will be posted every week to remind you there are additional tasks for your home learning.
Week 7
Hello Class 6! I have been really impressed by the work that you have been sending in to me so keep up the amazing effort and fantastic work!
Literacy: There are lots of different tasks in this weeks literacy work but I really want you to concentrate on being descriptive!
Monday: Can you describe the setting? I would like all of you to have a go at the challenge too!
Tuesday: Look at the photo of the mountain climbers. Can you predict what will happen next? Use the question prompts to try to write the next part of the story!
Wednesday: Can you understand the characters point of view? Use your inference and interpretation skills to tell me how you know what she is feeling. Can you think of some questions to ask her?
Thursday: Think of all the question words you know! How many questions can you think of to ask the characters in the picture? Challenge: Can you come up with a 'what if' question?
Friday: Imagine the scene! Imagine you were trapped in your school after you had been shrunk.
Describe your journey from the door across the classroom. What dangers would you have to be careful of as a tiny person?
Maths: This week we will be looking at shape!
Monday: Have a look at the powerpoint and recap you knowledge of shapes from year 2! Complete the tasks in the powerpoint.
Tuesday: Have a go at the worksheet that will be similar to the tasks in yesterday's powerpoint. Let me know how you did!
Wednesday: Check out the powerpoint on shape and orientation! Can you complete the tasks in the powerpoint? Can you become a shape detective?
Thursday: Recap yesertday's powerpoint and complete the mastery worksheet. I've included the answers! Look at the new 3D shapes in the powerpoint. How many do you know? Can you complete the tasks in the powerpoint?
Friday: Complete the worksheet to go with the powerpoint from yesterday! It might be tricky if you're not 100% sure of the shapes so I'll include a 3D shape property sheet to help you!
I have attached a reading comprehension for you to complete about Anglo-Saxons, there are 3 levels of difficulty so you can choose how hard you want it to be! Challenge yourselves!
We are continuing with our work on Henri Rousseau this week! I have included some pictures of some of his other work. Take a look at the art work and see if you can answer some of the questions about his work!

Week 6
Hello everyone! I hope you've had a lovely bank holiday weekend! Did any of you celebrate
VE day? Please send in some pictures of any amazing work that you do!
We are going to focus on poetry this week and a poem called 'It's raining pigs and noodles' by Jack Pretlutsky.
Monday: Can you read through the poem and underline any words that you don't understand? Once you have read through it, can you find out the meaning of the words that you don't know? You could ask your parents, look in a dictionary or google them! I've included a worksheet for you to write the definition of words that I think you might not know!
Tuesday: Have a look at the powerpoint I have included.
Can you underline any nouns you can see? The powerpoint might help you with examples!
Can you find any alliteration in the poem? Remember alliteration are words next to each other that start with the same letter! (They can sometimes be separated with and!) There are so examples in the powerpoint again!
Can you find any rhymes in the poem? Remember...When you find them, underline them!
Wednesday: Synonyms! That is just a really fancy word that means to describe a word in different ways!
What synonyms could you find for raining in the poem? Can you research any other words that mean the same that aren't in the poem?
Thursday: Can you have a go at writing you own poem? Can you pick your own nouns and try to include some alliteration and your own synonyms for raining? Make it as funny and as silly as you want! I've included a template so you can fill in the bits to make it your own! Only use it if you need to though!
Friday: Can you write up your poem in best and practise performing it to your family? You can also draw pictures of the nouns you have included on the template! Remember to send in pictures of your finished work!
Spellings : Spelling list for this week to practice.
For the contractions list, write the contraction it makes when you push the two words together.
E.g. they will = they'll she will = she'll etc.
Maths: This week we are going to look at angles and turns. We have not looked at angles before this year so take a look at the powerpoints to find out what a right angle is!
Monday: Have a go at the worksheet. I have included the answers so that you can mark it yourself!
Tuesday: Have a look at the powerpoint and look at the different types of angles. There is a quiz in the powerpoint for you to have a go at, and then try out the worksheet! Again, I have included the answers so you can mark them and see how you have done!
Wednesday: Have a go at the Mastery in Maths right angle worksheet! It has different types of questions on, but you should be able to attempt them if you have looked at the powerpoint!
Thursday: Have a look at the powerpoint which shows turns. There is some new language in this powerpoint so make sure you pay particular attention to what clockwise and anti clockwise means! You also have to understand what a quart, half and three quarter turn would be. There are some tasks in the powerpoint I would like you to complete. There are also some 'explain why' questions which we do quite often in class, so make sure you give a detailed answer!
Friday: Have a go at the turns and angles worksheets! There are two sheets with plenty of questions on! Let me know how you get on!
We are continuing to look at Anglo-Saxons so take a look at the powerpoint which will tell you all about their Gods.
Then have a go at the quiz and see how many answers you can get right! Afterwards there is a little prompt sheet where your task is to make yourself into a GOD! What would your name be? Can you draw a picture of what you would look like as a God?
Art: Can you read the powerpoint to refresh your memory of our artist Henri Rousseau and then write a mini biography about him! Again, please send in pictures of your amazing work!
I have set some more tasks on purple mash for you to complete along the way too, but this week please can you try and read as much as possible!
Have a fantastic week! Miss Smith
Week 5
Hello everyone, I hope you had a good weekend! On Friday this week, the country is celebrating VE day.
Monday: Can you watch this video and find out all about VE day and what is it?
Can you write some sentences in your own words to explain what it is?
Tuesday: Can you read the VE Day comprehension and answer some questions about the text? There are 3 differentiated texts on there so choose which one suits you best!
Wednesday: Can you design your own VE day medal?
Thursday: Can you write a diary entry and imagine you are a soldier! Imagine you have just been told the war is over. Can you let you family know how you feel? What you are excited about? What is the first thing you are going to do when you get home?
Friday: Can you complete the discussion worksheet to show what you have learned about VE day this week and share your thought on this?
Spellings : Spelling list for this week to practice.
We are continuing with our fractions this week and are looking at fractions of shapes. Remember a fraction is a part of something so it is smaller than 1 whole!
Monday & Tuesday: Look at the powerpoint about equivalent fractions and complete the worksheets.
Wednesday: More equivalent fractions!
Thursday: A harder sheet this time, remember to mark them after you have finished!
Friday: This lesson is about ordering fractions. Please look at the powerpoint which explains how you can compare and order fractions! Have a go at the worksheet and let me know how you get on!
I have set some new tasks on purple mash which should be themed around feelings, as it can be tough being at home with everything going on sometimes!
I have included a recipe for some of the food they ate during the war. Why don't you have a go and making some of them and send in some photos of your tasty creations?
I've also included some other craft activities around VE that you might enjoy!
You could also have a tea party to celebrate, if your family do have some special celebrations, please send in some photos! Have a lovely week!
Week 4
This weeks theme is The News! Can you come up with your very own newspaper article that explains the different news posted below!
Monday: Can you write a newspaper article about the corona virus? Can you explain what it is? This video might help you! Can you explain what the country has had to do to help deal with corona virus, things like making sure everyone is washing their hands and keeping clean, closing schools and work places, queuing to get into super markets and making sure you are socially distancing at 2m apart?
Tuesday: Can you write a newspaper article about some amazing treasure being found while someone was out on their daily exercise? What is it? Where might it have come from? Is it worth a lot of money?
Wednesday: Can you create a poster informing everyone of how they can help with corona virus? What should they do? Wash their hands? Keep clean? Stay at home? Make sure you send in pictures of your wonderful work!
Thursday: Can you create a newspaper article that tells us how wonderful our NHS staff are? Can you tell us why we are celebrating the NHS? And what we are doing to show our appreciation for them? (Drawing rainbows and posters and clapping at 8pm).
Friday: Your choice! Create a newspaper article about something important to you! It could be that you are really cross about the football season being called off and cancelled or it could be that your favourite gymnastic lessons will be cancelled for months!
Maths: These weeks theme is all about fractions! Please look at the powerpoint as there are lots of bits to fractions and it can get confusing sometimes!
Monday & Tuesday: We are looking at adding fractions! A fraction is a part of something so remember, when we add fractions the bottom number doesn't change! Take a look at the powerpoint and have a go at the worksheets! Remember to mark your work and send in photos so I can see how you've done!
Wednesday: Practice adding your fractions, but this time can you subtract fractions too? Remember, the denominator will not change!
Thursday: More subtracting fractions! Challenge: If you're finding it easy, have a go at the missing number fractions!
Friday: Fraction Friday! Have a go at a round up of everything we have covered this week. Don't worry if it's tricky! Challenge: Can you come up some of your own addition or subtraction fractions questions? Remember to keep the same denominator!
Curriculum: I know a lot of you have been creating posters for the NHS. Can we have a class 6 competition and you create a brand new poster thanking them for everything they are doing for us and if you send them in to me, I will get Mr Harris to pick a winner!
Art: On the topic of Henri Rousseau, can you create your own version of The Tiger in a Topical Storm and draw your own animal in the jungle?
Topic: If we were at school we would have started looking at Anglo Saxons and Vikings. Can you look at the powerpoint and maybe create a fact file about Anglo Saxons and the Vikings?
Week 3
This week is based all around creative writing! Check the powerpoint for the picture prompts!
Mon: Can you write a story about the picture of the girl stuck in the jar? Who is she? What is her name? Where is she from? How did she get stuck there? Use your imagination and try to be really descriptive!
Tuesday: Check the picture and choose a character. If you could have any fictional character as your best friend, who would you choose and why? What would you do together? Can you include any adverbs?
Wednesday: Can you see the invisible woman? Write a short story about her and what she gets up to while being invisible! What would you do? What could she do?
Thursday: If you had one superpower, what would it be? Explain why you have chosen that superpower, what you would do with it, and how it would change your life.
Friday: Choose one of your favourite books and read it again! Can you come up with a different ending to what happened?
Challenge: If you want to, can you complete any of the other tasks on the slides?
Maths: This weeks tasks are based around perimeter! Before we broke up we started looking at measurement in class!
Monday: What is perimeter? Find out by looking at the powerpoint and completing one of the sheets from Monday's attachment.
Tuesday: Can you remember what perimeter is? Have a go at the harder sheet now, can you use the written column method to work out your answers? Remember you can mark these after you have finished and let me know how you have got on!
Wednesday: Even more perimeter problems for you to have a go at! Remember to look at the shape because that could help you know what length the other sides of the shape are!
Thursday & Friday: Can you have a go at the perimeter worksheet that is full of word problems?
Mrs France has recorded herself teaching some perimeter lessons which you can also access on her class page- which is class7! You can also complete those weeksheets as they are appropriate for year 3 if it is easier for you to watch and understand, as you can puase the videos whenever you want!
It is St George's day on Friday of this week! Can you find out who St George was? What he did? What happened because of him? This might help!
Could you design your own dragon or dragon egg?
Could you write some instructions on how to slay the dragon?
Could you retell the story of George and the Dragon but make up your own characters?
Can you design your own super hero that would defeat the dragon?
As always, please send pictures of your amazing work so I can tweet it!
Happy St Georges Day Class 6!
Week 2
This week I know a lot of you have been baking/making lots of scrumptious treats while you have been off school! So I have tried to theme this week's writing tasks around that!
Monday: Can you write some instructions for something that you have made? Or if you prefer, you can watch this video of how to make a chocolate cake and see if you can come up with your own instructions for how to make it!
Tuesday: Can you write some instructions for how to make a sandwich? You can make it as scrumptions or as gruesome as you want! Fancy a worm sandwich? That's fine! Just create some clear instructions that I could follow to make one!
Wednesday: Can you create some instructions on how to cross the road safely?
Thursday: Can you create some instructions on how to make your very own magical, special potion! You can use any ingredients you want! Make it fun!
Friday: This is super important at the moment! Can you create some instructions that will tell us how to safely wash our hands?
Maths: This week's focus is on MONEY MONEY MONEY!
Monday: Can you complete the first worksheet, adding together two amounts of money and then using <> or = signs to compare them? Remember, the hungry crocodile always eats the biggest number! You don't have to do all the sheets, they get harder as they go along so you can choose which one you do! Remember to use column addition to add up your numbers and then compare which is bigger!
Tuesday: How much money is in the jar? Add up the coins and write the total in the jars!
Wednesday & Thursday: Can you draw (or cut out if you prefer) the coins in the jars to make the different amounts of money? Be careful to only draw real coins- for example, you couldn't draw 3p because there isn't a 3p coin!
Friday: Check your change! Can you check you have the correct change from £1? You might find it easier to do a written column subtraction from 100p and take away the amount you have spent!
Curriculum: Have you been completing the Joe Wickes workouts?? Please send in pictures if you have been doing them!
Art: We just started to look at our new artist Henri Rousseau before we broke up. Can you have a go at your own version of the famous Tiger in a Tropical Storm picture at home!
Week 1
Can you watch this video of the Easter Story and rewrite it, but with your own ending? Can you invent your own characters?
Can you add inverted commas (speech marks) in the correct places on the worksheet?
Can you add commas in the write places on the worksheet?
Can you write an Easter acrostic poem? The word must start with each of the letters of EASTER. You could write a sentence or just a word! I've included a worksheet if you wanted a template!
Can you sort the adverbs into how/when or where?
This week can you have a go at practising your column addition and subtraction? On Friday I have included some word problems for you to practice the method with! The answers should all be there so you can mark it yourself! Be sure to send pictures in of your work so I can tweet them!
Can you send in some lovely pictures of your Easter artwork that you have been doing?
Can you design your own Easter egg?
Have you made an Easter card that you want to share with us?
Home Learning Information To Parents
Keep in touch, class 6, and stay healthy and happy!
Check out our home learning activities on our class Dojo page.
Updates will also be posted on our Twitter feed.
Read, read, read! You can still take a quiz on the Accelerated Reader program on line.
Keep active with Joe Wicks - 9am live on his YouTube channel - search PE with Joe.
Remember for this strange time... be active, creative, curious and kind! Love Miss Smith.