Class 1
The children in 1a and 1b had a fantastic time looking at all the amazing mini beasts and a few surprise visitors when Zoolab visited our school last week. The children learned lots of interesting facts and even got to hold some of the creatures too!
Sport Relief Activities
Welcome to Class 1A - Miss R Jones
Welcome to class 1a where learning is fun! In our class we have Miss Jones, Mrs Littlewood and Mrs Cooper who help us learn new things each day. Over the year we have lots of exciting topics planned and we look forward to sharing all our learning experiences ahead!
Easter Disco
Science Week
Science Week
This week the children in class 1a have been investigating which objects in our classroom float in water and which ones sink. On Wednesday afternoon, the children chose a selection of objects from around the classroom that they were unsure about and wanted to test. Before carrying out the experiment, they made their predictions and discussed with their partners why they thought that. On Thursday afternoon, the children carried out their experiment. They recorded their results in their science books and discussed their findings with their partners. Here are some images of the children carrying out their experiment...