Class 10
Last week, I uploaded a 2 week literacy unit of work therefore there is no new literacy for this week apart from the SPAG.
Maths week commencing 13/7/20
Topic Week 7
Maths Thursday 9th July and Friday 10th July
Maths work Wednesday 8th July
Maths work Monday 6th July and Tuesday 7th July
Literacy work week beginning 6/7/20
Topic work week 6
Topic Menu Tasks
Maths work for Thursday 2nd July and Friday 3rd July
Maths work for Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th June
Maths work for Monday 29/6/20
Literacy work for week beginning 29/6/20
Topic w.c 29.6.20
Maths work Friday
Year 5 maths work for Thursday
Maths work for Wednesday
For the attention of year 5.
Now that some year 5 children are returning to school next week, we will be setting the home learning to match what is being taught in class. With this in mind it will now take the form of a PowerPoint presentation with the addition of teaching points for you to read through followed by tasks. In literacy, the focus will be on writing so all you will need is a pen and paper. In maths, we will upload the worksheets but for most of the lessons you will also be able to complete the work without printing them out as the worksheets are part of the PowerPoint and so you can also just do your working out on paper.
We have decided as UKS2 staff that the focus should be on recapping arithmetic and hopefully fractions in maths, so that they can begin year 6 with more confidence. This will hopefully mean that the work is revision, but it is all good practice and the more practice they get at these essential building blocks the better.
We realise that home learning has taken a variety of formats over the recent weeks due to the ever changing situation in school, but it should now stay the same for the next 4 weeks.
Thank you for bearing with us and we hope that you are reassured that the home learning will be the same as what is being taught and covered in school.
Thank you for your continued support with everything that you are doing at home.
Mrs France and Miss Crump
Literacy week commencing 22.6.19
Maths Monday and Tuesday week commencing 22.6.20
SPAG week commencing 22.6.20
Topic W.C 22.6.20
Year 5, here is a task menu of activities to choose from, should you wish to.
I know there are plenty of tasks to get through for each week, but these are some extra curricular creative tasks you may feel enthused to complete. You do not have to do these, but they are there if you really feel like you'd like to get stuck into our topic!
You may have to do some research! Be creative, we'd love to see your photos of work sent in! Enjoy!
The Normans, I know that most of you may have already started this topic but I would like you to have a look at the videos to refresh your memories. The links are shown below, all you need to do is click on them. Bayeux Tapestry
Links below will help you with some of the tasks set and also give your more information about the topic.
Hi Class 10, hope you are all well.
This week you will notice that there are two lots of numeracy (Hamilton and White Rose) and two lots of literacy (Hamilton and Talk for writing). This is because we thought we would give you the choice to either carry on with Hamilton or try something new! Please look at them both and decide which you prefer the look of.
With the White Rose maths, there is a page with all the links to the daily videos that you need to watch. You will also notice that there are only four days worth of work so please feel free to either do your arithmetic or an activity from the Hamilton pack on the fifth day. If you would like to try something different, BBC Bitesize has some great clips and activities that are added daily.
With the talk for writing, you will notice that there are a number of activities that you can spread out and complete over the course of the week.
The whole weeks learning will be uploaded but please remember to only do one numeracy and literacy activity per day. There's also a topic activity for you to have a go at where you need to look at the Powerpoints and try and answer the corresponding questions and a guided reading activity. I am so proud of you all and how hard you have been working.
Hope you have a wonderful week, take care!
Topic work w.c 15.06.20
White Rose numeracy w.c 15.06.20
Hamilton numeracy w.c 15.06.20
Arithmetic w/c 15.05.20
SPAG w.c 15.06.20
Reading w.c. 15.06.20 - there are 3 ability levels, please choose the most suitible for you
Talk for writing literacy w.c 15.06.20
Hamilton Literacy w.c 15.06.20
Literacy - Thursday, Friday
Numeracy - Thursday, Friday
Numeracy work Year 5 Wednesday 10th June
Literacy work Year 5 Wednesday 10th June
Year 5 Barnsley Quiz - DEADLINE Friday, 19th June, 2020
Parliament and Prime Ministers - what do you remember?
SPAG Starter Tuesday, 9th June, 2020
Numeracy Work Year 5 Tuesday, 9th June, 2020
Literacy Work Year 5 Tuesday, 9th June, 2020
Hi Class 10
Thank you for all your hard work last week! Don't forget to share any work on Twitter, Dojos or email me on Purple Mash. Here is Monday's work below. Don't forget to watch the Powerpoints and listen to the audios on them. Also, the literacy and numeracy sheets start off a little easier and progressively get harder so start 'mild' and if that's challenging enough then just complete that if you can. If you want a further challenge then have a go at the 'hot' tasks. Have a great weekend everyone! Stay safe.
Mrs B x