Medium Term Planning and the Teaching and Learning Approach for History
Medium Term Planning And The Teaching Sequence:
The sequence of learning in history is planned to build pupils' knowledge of the past, and of how historians study the past and construct accounts. Teaching supports pupil progress by identifying the essential knowledge the children need, making links to previous knowledge and time periods studied, whilst teaching and developing the skills of historical enquiry that will enable pupils to access future material. Our medium term documentation provides clarity on what content should be covered by class teachers to ensure lessons are sequential and build upon previous learning, to develop a coherent understanding of the chronology of different time periods.
Key knowledge documents are being produced for pupils and staff and will form the basis of our assessment of each unit.
At Burton Road, we have identified 2 key themes which underpin and inform the units taught. These substantive concepts are:
- migration and immigration
- autocracy/democracy
These concepts were chosen as we believe understanding these concepts, taught through meaningful examples, will best inform our pupils with the knowledge of how our country has been shaped into the society they are growing up in today.
The medium term plans outline our teaching sequence:
- Knowledge acquisition 'To know'
- Enhancement of knowledge 'To understand'
- Independent application of knowledge and skills in a meaningful or purposeful context.
The application of these skills will involve setting tasks that provide opportunities for children to:
- Explain
- Summarise
- Reason
- Reflect
- Challenge
- Evaluate
- Think Critically
BR's Teaching and Learning Approach in History
This document develops our whole school teaching approach with reference to the teaching of history.