Sports Coach
Our current lunchtime clubs...get involved!!!
Snacks don’t have to be naughty! #veggiechallenge!
Veggie Challenge...Luke Hassell showing us how it’s done!
Run a Mile...come and join the fun!
inspiration from the Bolt himself... everyone starts at the beginning!
Please note that Run A Mile has now finished for the term. We will be back in the new year; details will be sent out confirming days and times in term 2.
Many thanks for all your hard work and dedication...keep active this Christmas!
Cross Country Finals 8.11.17
A huge well done to all the children from years 3 to 6 that earned a place at the Cross Country Individual Finals, by finishing in the top 10. It's a tough event, against the best children from Barnsley. Congratulations to Leo Cosgrove, whose 6th place has earned him a place at the Yorkshire finals, and Emily Bowen who just missed out in 11th place. Remember you can all join us at Run a Mile, every Tuesday at Friday at 8.30. Get in training and next year, it could be you!
Sports Competitions - Term 1b
Here's a list of the competitive events planned for the Christmas half term. We're staying sporty, despite the festive season! All children invited to a competition will be informed directly.
Event: KS2 Cross Country Finals
Date: Wednesday 8th November
Time of competition: 1.30pm - Year 3 race: 1.40pm, Year 4 race: 2.00pm Year 5: 2.20pm Year 6 race: 2.40pm – presentations to follow
Time to leave Burton Road: Year 3: 1pm. Year 4/5/6: 1.15pm
Venue: Cannon Hall (bottom car park)
Finish time of competition: 3-3.15pm
Transport: Pupil’s Own
Event: Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics
Date: Tuesday 14th November
Time: 1.30pm
Time to leave BR: 1.00pm
Venue: Barnsley College (Honeywell)
Transport: Pupil’s own
Event: Gymnastics KS1
Date: Thursday 23rd Nov
Time: 1.30pm
Time to leave BR: 1.00pm
Venue: Barnsley Gymnastics Club, Carlton
Transport: Pupil’s own
Event: Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics
Date: Monday 27th Nov
Time: 1.00pm Time to leave BR: 12.30pm (early dinner at 12.05)
Venue: Barnsley College, Honeywell
Transport: Pupil’s own
Event: Year 6 Cheerleading
Date: Thursday 30th November
Time of competition: 1.30pm
Time to leave Burton Road: 12.50pm
Venue: Birkwood Primary School, Darfield Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8HG
Finish time of competition: 3.00pm
Transport: Pupil’s Own