
KS1 - It's all about Roald Dahl

Rather than research Yorkshire's Greatest, instead KS1 are finding all about one of Briton's greatest ever authors - Roald Dahl. This will commence on Monday 17 September, and each class will be studying and sharing some of his wonderful books:

Class 3 - The Giraffe and The Pelly and Me

Class 4 - The Enormous Crocodile

Class 5 - Fantastic Mr Fox

Class 6 - James and the Giant Peach

As Roald Dahl himself said... "A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men," so don't forget to take some time out to share this learning and enjoy some of these fantastic books with your children. You are never too old for a bit of Roald Dahl.

Who is Yorkshire's Greatest?

Hello and welcome back to Burton Road School for the academic year 2018-19.

As usual we will be starting the new year with a research project looking at inspirational people and inspired thinking. This year's theme is... Who is Yorkshire's Greatest? Each of our KS2 classes has selected a candidate, who are as follows:

Class 7 - Guy Fawkes,

Class 8 - Emily Bronte,

Class 9 - Henry Moore,

Class 10 - Charles Waterton,

Class 11 - William Wilberforce and...

Class 12 - Titus Salt!

Have fun, researching and  debating everyone and we look forward to welcoming Governors into school, on Friday 14 September, to help decide the winner!