Vision and Rationale

Physical Education at Burton Road
2023 - 2024
Our vision, the current picture and future aims.
See our policy page for more.
Physical education has always been high profile at Burton Road and our main aim will be to continue to triangulate quality-first teaching, intra/inter events and opportunities for all children to participate in physical activity outside of lessons, in order to achieve our core value of ‘Fit for learning, fit for life’.
Quality-First Teaching:
The school has invested in a sports coach for many years to ensure the quality delivery by a subject specialist, but has also continued to invest in staff training and appropriate resources to support non-specialist teachers. Mr Hawksworth, our Sports Leader, brings enthusiasm and opportunities with his wealth of experience as a professional athlete and coach, through his outstanding links to our wider community, clubs and facilities across the borough. He delivers quality-first teaching, staff support and training in addition to running the PSP Inter School Events calendar. The school is also committed to bringing in additional specialists in areas such as dance, cheerleading, football, Foundation Stage Fundamentals and gymnastics.
The school has always valued inter and intra school competition in a wide range of sports, committing to the purchase of Team Activ membership for many years to ensure that all children have had the opportunity to compete at both local and county level, with inclusive events and intra-school events for KS1. Following COVID-19 and the decline of this provision, Burton Road is proud to have launched Pro-Active School Performance in 2021, led by Mr Hawksworth, delivering a wide range of inclusive and competitive events between 12 local primary schools, using the best facilities available, such as Barnsley Football Club, Gymnastics Club and Dorothy Hyman Sports Centre. Plans are in place to develop the breadth of activities available, such as a 'Total Warrior' style obstcle course, and the level at which children can compete, to ensure every child, no matter what their needs, has the opportunity to ‘find their sport’, be active and represent their school with pride.
In terms of lesson delivery, the aim is to ensure the delivery of key, age-specific knowledge about health and fitness, alongside the expectation that children will spend the maximum time in lessons physically active – children now come to school in their kit to ensure children spend the maximum time active. High expectations and clear objectives will be as apparent in the teaching of P.E as expected across the curriculum, with lessons characterised with modelling (demonstrations and key teaching points), knowledge progression, application (skills in practice) and review (identifying successes, areas for improvement and next steps). This will ensure progression, alongside activity. These objectives will be monitored and reviewed.
At the heart of our quality first teaching is the scheme 'Get Set for PE.' Careful consideration went into the selection of Get Set to ensure it was right for the pupils of Burton Road. For more detail, and how we personalise the scheme at Burton Road, please see the link at the bottom of the page and our long term planning pages.
Intra/inter events and opportunities:
Out of school hours sporting opportunities have been extended, with free participation events now held on a termly basis, during lunchtimes and after school (free for PP children). The next aim is to encourage wider participation within the school community, including both parents and staff, with events being planned. Specialist coaches are used, and we proud that Bruce Dyer's hugely popular 'Football and Life Skills' club provides a great opportunity to be active with a wonderful role model. We are also looking to extend our links with local providers, such as Barnsley’s Table Tennis Club, Squash Club and Gymnastics clubs. Inclusive events are a core part of our offer and we seek new activities or events to
meet the needs of all learners, such as climbing in 2022. Please see our pupils with SEND page for more.
Physical activity beyond lessons:
Our core values as a school are to equip our pupils with the skills they will need to meet the challenges they will face in their lives beyond primary school to lead happy and successful lives. Leadership is a key element and we are proud to introduce our sports leaders, who help run activities at breaks and as part of our events calendar. Within lessons, children are coached to become the coaches themselves, leading activities, modelling skills and giving effective feedback.
For our community, ensuring children understand healthy lifestyle choices and access physical activity for both enjoyment or competition is paramount. We aim to help every child ‘find their sport’ – crucial in a locality where, ‘Barnsley’s rate for physically active adults is significantly lower than the rate for England’ and ‘almost a quarter (22.1%) of 4-5 -year-olds and just over a third (33.5%) of 10-11/year-olds in Barnsley are overweight or obese.’
Take a look at the impact of our inter-school sport provision, PSP, for children at Burton Road...
BR Overall Stats 2022-23
55 Events
980 children (Males- 543/Females-437 )
KS1- 35%
LKS2- 99%
UKS2- 95%
Overall whole school 80% attended 1 or more external events
This year's development plan outlines our future plans to extend intra-school competition and further opportunities for our KS1 children.
Building on our previous year's participation...
BR 2021-22
KS1- 60%
LKS2- 88%
UKS2- 86%
Overall whole school 77% attended 1 or more external event