Class 3

Welcome to Class 3


We are looking forward to sharing all of our hard work and special events here on our class page. Mrs Roe, Mrs Latham and all of the Key Stage One team are always on the lookout for children who are trying their best and joining in with our learning.


Computing - Moving a robot 

Moving the robot forwards and backwards

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

History -Queen Victoria


Sorting kings and Queens into ‘Then and Now.’

Maths - 3D and 2D shapes

Maths - Arrays, grouping and sharing

Science - Aminals including humans


Yorkshire Wildlife Park visit 

Talk for writing


Excellent writing in our ‘Five Minutes Peace’ adaptation.



Science - Animals including humans


Grouping animals and finding out what they eat.



Computing -Data


We have talked about labelling and putting objects into groups according to the correct labels. 

Science - Identifying materials

Computing - Using a paint programme


We looked at some abstract art and had a go on paper first to practise the patterns. Then was used Paintz to draw lines and fill in with red, blue and yellow, the three primary colours.

Celebrating BBC Children in Need

History - Our school then and now


We have looked round our school to find examples of old and new parts of the building.

Science - Seasons


We have looked at what happens to the trees in the Autumn and how the weather changes. We have also found out about the clocks going back and what difference that makes to the days and nights. 

Art and Design


We have drawn our self portraits as we see ourselves and then looked how Pablo Picasso drew his famous portrait ‘The Weeping Woman.’

We have copied his style and coloured in a face using lots of different colours. We then had a go at cutting pictures to make a face with features in different positions.


So we can begin our own paintings, we needed to know about the primary colours and how we could use these to make secondary colours. 

Look at our amazing colour wheels!

Talk for Writing - Mixed: A Colourful Story

Talk for Writing - The Day the Crayons Quit

Maths - greater than and less than

Maths - sorting and grouping