Class 1

Welcome to Class 1


In Class 1 we love to learn, play and explore both indoors and outdoors!  Over the year we have lots of exciting topics planned including Our Amazing World, Once Upon a Time and Growing and Changing!  Throughout the year we will also be taking part in Read, Write, Inc Phonics to help us to learn to read.  We will develop a love for Maths and will work towards developing a deep understanding of number to 10, using numicon and number blocks to help us along the way!


Spring 1 - Poles Apart 

We have started our learning all about our core text Poles Apart. Today we have found out all about Antarctica, what it is like and where it is and also how it is different to where we live in Barnsley. We have been learning about the different countries that the Pilchard Browns visit on their journey and comparing the similarities and differences of these countries to where we live. Some of the story vocabulary we have been learning is…


-Polar Bears








Some of the topic vocabulary we have been learning is…








-South Pole



Spring 1 - Chinese New Year 

Reception are enjoying learning all about Chinese New Year. We have found out some traditions that will take place and also shared The Great Race story. We have developed our vocabulary during the week including learning the following words:
- Emperor
- Chopsticks
- New Year

We are going to be lucky enough to taste some Chinese food such as noodles, rice, prawn crackers and sweet chilli sauce.

Spring 1 – Our Amazing World – Handa’s Surprise

When learning about Africa, we will be reading Handa’s surprise and learning lots of new vocabulary and information about Africa. Here is some of the key knowledge we will be learning…

To know that Kenya is country in the continent of Africa.

To know that Africa is the second largest continent in the world.

To Know that the Maasai Mara is a protected large game national reserve.

To know that the Maasai tribe live in mud huts, wear brightly coloured clothes and beads, hunt their food and enjoy a jumping dance.

Story words we will be learning are…







Topic words we will be learning are…



-Maasai Mara




Spring 1 – Our Amazing WorldThe Way Back Home


This half term we are beginning our learning by finding out all about Space.  Our key text is The Way Back Home, by Oliver Jeffers. We have enjoyed sharing the beginning of the story and thinking about the little boy in the story. We have also been learning new vocabulary around the book and topic including the following words:

- Space

- Solar System

- Gravity

- Astronaut

- Alone

- Afraid 

- Spluttered

Autumn 2 - Christmas

For the final two weeks before Christmas, we are learning all about Christmas traditions that Christians celebrate. We will be finding out all about how and why some families choose to celebrate, how other people and countries celebrate and retelling the Nativity Christmas Story. We will be learning new vocabulary including the following words:



-The Three Wise men





-Advent Calendar


Autumn 2 - What the Ladybird Heard



For the next two weeks we are learning all about What the Ladybird Heard.  We will be finding out all about ladybirds, farms and farm animals and also learning new vocabulary including the following words:

- Dainty

- Handsome

- Cunning 

- Thieves 


We will also be taking part in drawing club.  We will be drawing a ladybird, adding on secret passwords to make the ladybird very loud and also designing a new vehicle for Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len which when we add on a password will drive straight into animal poo!

Autumn 2 - How to Grow a Dinosaur


Our learning for the next two weeks is all about dinosaurs.  Our story will be How to Grow a Dinosaur.  We will be reading the story over the week and thinking about new vocabulary linked to the story and the topic including:

- Herbivore

- Carnivore

- Omnivore 

- Extinct


We will also be taking part in drawing club, drawing the main character and what we would like to grow i our gardens.  We will be adding on secret passwords to make the magic happen!

Autumn 2 - The Gruffalo



This week we are learning all about The Gruffalo.  We have read the beginning of the story and met the characters so far.  We have also been learning new vocabulary including the following words and what they mean:

- Underground

- Treetop

- Feast 

- Poisonous


Autumn 1 - Seasons and Autumn



This week we are learning all about the 4 seasons.  We have been finding out all about Autumn in particular and have been exploring conkers, leaves, acorns and pumpkins.

Autumn 1 - Funnybones 

We have started our learning all about Funnybones. We have read the story and will continue to think about the story for the next two weeks. We have been learning some new vocabulary from our book including the following words and what they mean:
- Skeleton
- Skull
- Frighten
- Cellar
Over the next two weeks we will develop our knowledge of the story and will be learning how to retell the story ourselves using a story map. We will also be finding out about our 5 senses and keeping our bodies healthy.

Autumn 1 - Introducing Power Paints


We are learning how to mix powder paints starting with a single primary colour before we move on to mixing up a secondary colour.  Eventually we will move on to mixing different shades/tints by adding black and white.  We have been learning the names of the items we need to use and also the order we need to ensure we can mix up the right consistency of powder paints to use on our picture.  Today we have been mixing red. 

Don't forget all the P's...

- Paintbrush

- Pot of water

- Powder Paint 

- Palette 

- Paper (to do a picture)

Autumn 1 - Where we live


This week we are thinking all about where we live.  We have been thinking about which planet we live on, which country and which town we live in.  We have added been using some vocabulary and have shared them with Wendy the Word Bear linked to our learning including:

- Earth 

- England

- Barnsley 


We have been excited to explore google earth and in particular looking at and walking around the streets of Barnsley on it looking for places we recognise including the Town Hall, Barnsley market and the Alhambra Shopping Centre.

We are looking forward to our short walk around the immediate area to see what we can spot on our journey before creating our very own maps later in the week.

Autumn 1 - Elmer 


This week we are learning all about Elmer.  Today we have been reading the beginning of the story and have been introduced to some of our story words of the week including:

- Herd

- Patchwork

- Unnoticed


We will continue to read the story across the week thinking about events that happen in the middle and the end of the story.

Autumn 1 - Families, Families, Families 

This week we have been thinking about ourselves and our families in Class 1.  We have been thinking about growing up and sharing our baby photos.  It was very exciting guessing the baby!  We have shared our text of the week Families, Families, Families and been telling our friends all about our families and again sharing family photos.  We have been learning new vocabulary including the words:

- Unique 

- Sibling 

Autumn 1


This week our core text is The Colour Monster.  We have started to listen to the story and been thinking about his different feelings/emotions.  Class 1 have also been introduced to Wendy the Word Bear and have been thinking about some key vocabulary in the story so far including thinking about what the following words mean:










We look forward to learning more about The Colour Monster later in the week and thinking about our own feelings/emotions in particular thinking about things that make us happy and sad.